What is the Ozeki Message Server applicable for in a school?

In kindergartens and elementary schools

The server is appropriate to support the communication - by sending and receiving SMS messages - among teachers, students, parents and administration staff of the school. The school can inform the parents about all the occurrences of their children. The Ozeki SMS Server is able to connect to other softwares in order to take data from them and can forward the so received data to a specific phone number. The Ozeki SMS Server can forward marks directly to the cell phone of the parents, by connecting to the electronic log-book of the school, in SMS messages. The classteacher can write and send circular SMS, in which all the parents are alerted about the concerning issues.

In higher studies e.g. courses, colleges and universities

The higher study institutions can inform their students about the exam results, admission exam dates and requirements, date of specific courses, replacement of missing documents etc.

What are the advantages of sending SMS messages?

Each message is registered and can be retrieved any time. The parents are informed about every important event in a discreet way and receive all the concerning personalized information on their own cell phone. The school, by being given a notification, can find out when the parents receive the messages. If the school develops an operation service connected to the entry system at the gate, the parents are absolutely aware about their children's arrival at the school.

Examples for the school SMS notification:

The school sends information to the parents:

  • Joe got excellent marks in History, sufficient marks in Music and didn't make his homework today.
  • On 25 February the last lesson is cancelled, school is closing at 12.
  • Today we are expecting all the parents for the monthly parents meeting.

The parents send information to the school:

  • Joe, due to sickness, is not coming to school today.
  • Paul has to leave the school earlier today to go to dentist.

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