
You can download the latest version of Ozeki NG SMS Gateway by clicking on the link below. After download, you need to unzip it and run the installer in the zip package.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.21.0
Updated: 2024.08.03.

  1. New feature (Android SMS support): In this version you can connect an Android mobile phone over wifi to act as an SMS sending/receiving device. This greatly increases the available performance of wirless messaging, since you can take advantage of higher messaging speeds on 4G and 5G mobile networks. To use this option you need to download the Ozeki Android SMS Gateway app from
  2. Bug fix (Message loading): The SMS loading from disk had a bug which was fixed
  3. Bug fix (Security): Some security issues have been reported, which have been fixed in this version.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.20.6
Updated: 2024.02.27.

  1. Improvement (Product activation): The product activation handles proxies and firewalls in a more advanced way. Install this version, if you experinced problems with product activation.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.20.5
Updated: 2023.12.22.

  1. Bug fix (Scheduled messages): The delivered to handset report did not work properly for scheduled messages. The bus is fixed.
  2. Bug fix (MPM display): On Windows Systems the System Timer (Environment.Tickcount) overturns every 26 days. This overturn was not handled properly so the speed display (MPM label) did not function properly. This bug is fixed.
  3. Bug fix (HTTP API): A deadlock could happen in some rare instances on the HTTP API interface, which stopped message deliery for HTTP API users.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.20.4
Updated: 2023.12.16.

  1. New feature (Short format delivery reports): SMPP deliver reports in short formats are decoded and matched properly. e.g.: /416f2044671d3588/12882396865797904 stat:DELIVRD
  2. Improvement (Secure logging): More log messages are handled in a secure way

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.20.3
Updated: 2023.12.15.

  1. Improvement (Secure logging): On the Edit/Server preferences form secure logging can be enabled/disabled. If secure logging is turned on, the phone numbers and the SMS text will not be included in the server logs.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.20.2
Updated: 2023.11.15.

  1. Improvement (Security): Important security updates

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.20.1
Updated: 2023.05.05.

  1. Improvement (Sunrise): The Sunrise service provider connection was updated to support TLS 1.2

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.20.0
Updated: 2023.05.04.

  1. Improvement (.Net update): The software was updated to run on .NET Framework 4.8. This version officially supports Windows 11 systems and Windows Server 2022.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.19.1
Updated: 2022.11.19.

  1. Improvement (Speed): The speed of the GUI is improved.
  2. Improvement (Security): Important security issues are addressed. Password encryption algorithms are upgraded.
  3. Improvement (SMPP connection): The TLV parsing on SMPP connection is improved. Now it is more efficient and custom TLVs are supported
  4. Improvement (Databases): Support for the latest MS SQL, Oracle and MySQL versions are implemented. The free fork of MySQL called MariaDB is also supported in this version.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.18.4
Updated: 2021.11.26.

  1. Bug fix (HTTPS): The HTTPS client had a bug. It was in the automatic SSL protocol selection. This bug prevented some HTTP GET requests from being executed when a https SMS service was accessed using the http client service provider connection. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.18.3
Updated: 2021.10.01.

  1. Improvement (Routing): The backup routing capabilities have been improved
  2. Improvement (Routing): Load balancing is more efficient
  3. Bug fixes: Several bugs have been fixed, including bugs related to disk usage, memory management and security issues.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.18.2
Updated: 2020.12.06.

  1. Improvement (E-mail to sms): A new e-mail parser is introduced for e-mail to SMS forwarding. If you use the built in SMTP server of Ozeki NG to forward e-mail messages as SMS, your system will be able to handle more types of e-mails. The new e-mail parser is able to read e-mails with HTML content, and it is prepared to parse e-mail messages using exotic character sets and encoding options.
  2. Improvement (.NET framework): The system has been retargeted from .NET Framework 4.0 to .NET Framework 4.5.2. This upgrade allowed us to include new functionality, and to simplify the code.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.18.1
Updated: 2020.08.31.

  1. Improvement (E-mail to SMS): The built in SMTP server did not process the body part of some e-mails properly. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.18.0
Updated: 2020.07.07.

  1. Improvement (Memory utilization): The memory consumption of the SMS gateway engine has been optimized. Less memory is used, and the system became faster and more efficient.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.17.6
Updated: 2020.05.27.

  1. Improvement (Browser support): Ozeki NG is updated to support Microsoft Edge on the GUI

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.17.5
Updated: 2020.05.21.

  1. New feature (Bind address): The HTTP GUI and HTTPS GUI can be configured to bind to a custom IP address. In previous version every IP address available in the system was used to provide the webservice for the graphical user interface. In this version you can select the IP address you wish to use. This feature can be accessed in the Edit/Server preferences form, on the Client Connectivity tab.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.17.4
Updated: 2020.04.20.

  1. Improvement (Pannon): The Telenor Pannon Futar service implementation is improved
  2. Bug fix (HTTP API): There was a Http api compatibility issue, that prevented delivery report sending to http api clients.
  3. Bug fix (Scheduled SMS): Delivery reports for scheduled SMS messages were not working properly, if they were scheduled for a long time into the future. The cleanup system removed the messages from the outbox immediately after they were sent. So the incoming delivery reports could not be matched.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.17.3
Updated: 2020.04.05.

  1. New feature (Telenor): The Telenor / Pannon Futar connection type is introduced with HTTPS support for both outgoing and incoming messages.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.17.2
Updated: 2020.03.11.

  1. Improvement (SMPP Driver): The SMPP connections got a better error handling mechanism
  2. Improvement (Scheduled messages): From this version, the scheduled message queue is not subject to cleanup. Message scheduled for future delivery will not be removed unless they expire.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.17.1
Updated: 2019.03.12.

  1. Improvement (E-mail to SMS): The e-mail address parsing funcationality has been improved to support e-mail addresses with special characters

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.17.0
Updated: 2019.01.29.

  1. Improvement (HTTPS): HTTPS protocol versions SSL3, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2 are supported in the HTTP client connection. All of these SSL version configurations allow you to specify a custom client certificate. If you use them with a custom client certificate, a self signed certificate will be generated automatically.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.16.4
Updated: 2018.12.07.

  1. Improvements were made to backward compatibility.
  2. Upgrades even from very early version can be done without losing any settings.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.16.3
Updated: 2018.11.08.

  1. Improvement: The config forms on the user interface have been updated to look nicer.
  2. Improvement: The E-mail message decoding in the POP3 connection has been improved to support variously encoded e-mail subjects.
  3. Improvement: The E-mail message decoding in the SMTP service has been improved to support variously encoded e-mail subjects.
  4. Improvement: The digital signatures/certificates have been updated.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.16.2
Updated: 2018.10.28.

  1. Improvement: The user interface was improved to support Google Chrome on all pages.
  2. Improvement: The user interface was improved to support Mozilla Firefox on all pages.
  3. New feature: MM4 protocol has been developed for sending out MMS messages.
  4. Bug fix: HTTP Client Service Provider connection: Basic HTTP authentication method can be used in case of HTTP POST method.
  5. Bug fix: The service did not stop properly with some configurations, this bug is fixed.
  6. Bug fix: A memory leak problem is fixed.
  7. Bug fix: Product activation was improved.
  8. Bug fix: Some errors related to configuration persistence were fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.15.0
Updated: 2016.11.16.

  1. New feature: From this version you can limit the number of messages to be sent on a day. You can enable this feature under "Edit - Server preferences - User options" menu by checking the "Use message limitation" checkbox and filling the textbox below it.
  2. Bugfix in VodafoneWeb2Sms template of the HTTP Service Provider connection.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.14.6
Updated: 2016.10.24.

  1. New feature: It is possible from this version to enable \ disable the assembly of incoming multipart messages via service provider connection. You can configure it under Edit \ Server preferences \ Advanced menu.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.14.5
Updated: 2016.10.17.

  • New feature: Oracle database connection type can be used in case of SQL reporting function.
  • New feature: TLS 1.2 and SSL 3.0 connection types are supported in case of HTTP Client service provider connection.
  • Bugfix in HTTP client user. It forwards the deliveryerror status to the url provided on the delivery error tab.
  • Bugfix in GSM modem connection type.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.14.4
Updated: 2016.10.07.

  1. Improvement: Multiple keywords can be set in case of response parsing of HTTP Client service provider (e.g. error1;error2;error3).
  2. Bugfix in SQL Logging: The name of the backup service provider is inserted into database from now.
  3. Bugfix in Database user: The gateway checks the ozekimessageout in the given seconds.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.14.3
Updated: 2016.09.21.

  1. Bugfix in the default charset of SMPP user.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.14.2
Updated: 2016.09.09.

  1. Improvement in File user: Text file format is available from now.
  2. Bugfix in receiving multipart messages with SMPP user.
  3. Bugfix in log entries in case of HTTP Client Connection.
  4. Bugfix in deletemessagelist action of the HTTP API. It will delete all of the messages from the specified folder.
  5. Bugfix in SQL Addressbook. It will reconnect to the database in case of disconnection.
  6. Bugfix in Accounting function. If the message sending is unsuccessful, the balance of the user will not be changed.
  7. Bugfix in delivery report handling.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.14.1
Updated: 2016.06.30.

  1. New feature: Cameroon, MTN ParlayX Connection service provier now support to use the sender name of the originator user
  2. Bugfix in Built in SMTP server
  3. Bugfix in Twilio Service Provider

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.14.0
Updated: 2016.06.23.

  1. New feature: SQL Logging now can log the Delivery Report response time in YYMMDDhhmmss format
  2. New feature: New Cameroon, MTN ParlayX Connection service provier
  3. Bugfix in Appstarter User
  4. Improvement in service providers configuration forms

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.13.0
Updated: 2016.05.30.

  1. New feature: The projected user can view all of the incoming and outgoing SMS messages of the other users with the projected screen feature.
  2. Bugfix in E-mail to SMS feature.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.12.2
Updated: 2016.05.17.

  1. Bugfix in Vodafone_Web2SMS template.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.12.1
Updated: 2016.05.12.

  1. Bugfix: If sms messages were sent by SendSMS.exe, SMS messages were deleted from the Sent folder. It is fixed now.
  2. New feature in FTP to SMS Extended user: password can be set for certificates.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.12.0
Updated: 2016.04.27.

  1. Bugfix in SMPP user: Long messages were not sent correctly if ucs2 character set was used.
  2. Bugfix in SMPP user: If Gsm7bit character set was used, the message length parameter was counted incorrectly and the message of the text was not encoded.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.11.0
Updated: 2016.04.19.

  1. New Feature: Rest HTTP Template is now supported for the HTTP Service Provider connection.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.10.0
Updated: 2016.04.12.

  1. New feature: FTP to SMS Extended User (FTP, FTPS: FTP over TLSSSL, SFTP: FTP over SSH)
  2. New feature: A time interval can be set so you can determine when the messages will be sent out (e.g. between 8-20).
  3. Bugfix in System Database
  4. Bugfix in E-mail to SMS Feature
  5. Bugfix in SMPP connection

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.9.5
Updated: 2016.03.08.

  1. Bugfix: List management will reconnect to the database in case of disconnection.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.9.4
Updated: 2016.02.11.

  1. The 202 Accepted HTTP response can also be processed on the HTTP Client connection from now.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.9.3
Updated: 2016.02.08.

  1. Bugfix: The value of the DataCodingScheme has been replaced with 08 in Telenor (Hungary) service provider connection.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.9.2
Updated: 2016.01.04.

  1. Improvement: Delivery report handling for SMPP user accounts has been improved.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.9.1
Updated: 2015.12.11.

  1. Bugfix: Bugfix in VodafoneHu template.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.9.0
Updated: 2015.12.04.

  1. New feature: PriorityFlag value can be set on SMPP service provider connection.
  2. New feature: MessageType parameter can be set in XML files.
  3. Bugfix: Bugfix in VodafoneHu template.
  4. Minor bugfixes

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.8.1
Updated: 2015.11.11.

  1. Minor bugfixes

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.8.0
Updated: 2015.11.10.

  1. Bugfix: Bugfix in SMPP user: SMS messages were not forwarded to SMPP clients in some cases. It is fixed now.
  2. Improvement in HTTP Client and HTTP Server: extra parameters can be sent from database and can be saved into database.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.7.3
Updated: 2015.10.29.

  1. Bugfix: Bugfix in SMPP service provider connection. Unbind_resp was not sent back to Unbind requests in some cases. It is fixed now.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.7.2
Updated: 2015.09.28.

  1. New feature: Sound notification can be heard under projected screen menu when there is an incoming SMS message.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.7.1
Updated: 2015.09.24.

  1. Bugfix: Bugfix in VodafoneHu template

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.7.0
Updated: 2015.09.24.

  1. New feature: Projected screen (You can display incoming SMS messages to the screen of your PC)

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.6.9
Updated: 2015.09.22.

  1. Improvement: Code optimization
  2. Bugfix: Bugfix in the VodafoneHu template of HTTP Service Provider connection

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.6.8
Updated: 2015.08.19.

  1. Feature update (SMPP Service Provider Connection): For incoming SMS messages, when the data coding scheme (DCS) field was set to 2, the SMS was decoded es Binary:XML. This behaviour is changed, so the SMS will be decoded as SMS:TEXT with GSM 7 bit encoding.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.6.7
Updated: 2015.07.21.

  1. New feature: Vodafone Hungary new bulk HTTP IP SMS service provider connection is now supported. The connection can be configured in the HTTP Service Provider section, by selecting the Vodafone_hu connection template.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.6.6
Updated: 2015.07.02.

  1. Improvement (Accounting): The accounting system has been updated. It is more resilient to disk errors and power failures.
  2. Improvement (Routing): The keyword based SMS routing has been updated to support special arabic, hebrew and non standard characters.
  3. Improvement (Routing): In keyword based routing automatic upper/lower case character conversion was added for many special characters.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.6.4
Updated: 2015.04.20.

  1. Improvement (System database): The startup sequence related to system database was updated to handle simultanous operations more efficiently
  2. Improvement (File storage): All user queue directories are created on first startup, or when a new user is added. In previous versions user directories were created when the first SMS came in to the appropriate directory. This improvement reduces delay on system with a large user base.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.6.2
Updated: 2015.03.07.

  1. Improvement: The HTTP API error reporting was improved. The XML syntax was updated to make the parsing of error messages easier.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.6.1
Updated: 2015.02.10.

  1. Improvement: The installer will install .NET Framework 4.0 if it is not installed on your system.
  2. Bugfix: List management now saves lists.
  3. Bugfix: Submit rate is now calculated properly.
  4. Bugfix: Some missing icons now can be seen on the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
  5. Bugfix: Random test message problem is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.6.0
Updated: 2015.01.28.

  1. The system has been updated to use .NET Framework 4.0. Please install .NET Framework 4.0 full package. .NET Framework 4.0 (Standalone installer)
  2. Bug fix: TLV fields for SMPP connections were not properly forwarded.
  3. Modification: Incoming binary messages are now decoded to SMS:BINARY:XML
  4. Performance tuning: Creating many SMS messages (several million) in the system is now significantly faster.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.5.2
Updated: 2014.12.31.

  1. Improvement: The oracel high performance SQL to SMS implementation has been improved to provide infromation about message delivery status codes. In this version the status information returned by mobile networks is saved into the database without any modifications. More information about this feature is available at:
  2. Improvement: A new service management, start/stop mechanism was added to simplify and start up the system startup procedure.
  3. The installer used to make the installer packages has benn changed, becauase Microsoft stopped support for our previous msi based installation package compiler.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.5.1
Updated: 2014.12.02.

  1. Improvements on the Graphical User Interface (GUI). Feature descriptions and help links have been updated.
  2. New feature: The sendsms.exe command line client has been added to the installer. This is a great small utility to send SMS messages from the command line.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.5.0
Updated: 2014.12.01.

  1. Improvement: High performance Oracle database management has been included (please see
  2. Improvement: High performance MS SQL database management has been included (please see

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.4.9
Updated: 2014.11.13.

  1. Improvement: The message segmentation and reassembly with 16 bit message reference numbering has been improved.
  2. Improvement: The performance of HTTP Client SMS service provider connections has been improved
  3. Bugfix: The message segmentation with 8 bit message reference numbering had a bug, that could case message part mixup on some phones. This bug was fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.4.8
Updated: 2014.10.18.

  1. Improvement in the SMPP Service provider connection: For incoming keepalive requests a the sequence numbering in SMPP responses had to be adjusted to increase compatibility.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.4.5
Updated: 2014.09.18.

  1. Improvement: 16 bit reference numbering is now available for multipart SMS message segmentation and reassembly in all service provider connections. This improvement helps you avoid problems if a large number of multipart messages are sent to a single phone number. On some mobile phones message parts can be accidently mixed up if the default 8 bit reference numbering is used. To enable 16 bit reference numbering, set the "Use16bitRefNumforSAR" parameter to "on" in the configuration file of the appropriate service provider connection. The configuration files can be found in "C:Program Files (x86)OzekiOzekiNG - SMS Gatewayconfigsmsc-*".

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.4.4
Updated: 2014.08.27.

  1. Improvement: Delivery report handling for SMPP user accounts have been improved.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.4.2
Updated: 2014.08.17.

  1. Significant performance improvement in the delivery report handling for SMPP users
  2. Significant performance improvement in all SMS service provider connections
  3. The server load monitoring functionality was improved to log and display slow tasks

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.14
Updated: 2014.08.08.

  1. New feature: The main page displays the message submission rate in MPM (messages per minute) for each connection. The statistic is calculated based on a 10 minute average output.
  2. New feature: The drivers page also display the message submission rate in MPM.
  3. New feature: The message submission rate is updated with user interaction in the GUI
  4. New feature: The Server load functionality was improved, to allow the viewing of detailed task lists for each process
  5. New feature: The detailed task list for each thread lists the last 100 tasks with executiom times in OS ticks
  6. Bug fix: On some systems the srevice could not be stopped. This bug was fixed.
  7. Bug fix: In overloaded scenarios (with several million messages in user queues), the engine processing slowed down to an unacceptable rate. This bug was fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.12
Updated: 2014.06.18.

  1. Improvement: "$errormessage" parameter for Database Users.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.11
Updated: 2014.06.06.

  1. Improvement: Improvement in HTTP e-mail parsing for E-mail users.
  2. Bugfix: Bugfix in SQL Logging export feature.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.10
Updated: 2014.05.28.

  1. Improvement: SMPP User improvements. Capability of restarting SMPP users on a timely basis.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.9
Updated: 2014.05.22.

  1. New Feature: Bezeq HTTP Template for the HTTP Service Provider connection.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.8
Updated: 2014.05.06.

  1. Bugfix: Minor bugfix in message loop prevention checking.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.7
Updated: 2014.04.23.

  1. Improvement: Improvement in delivery report handling in SMPP Users.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.6
Updated: 2014.04.10.

  1. Improvement: SMPP users will now send delivery reports with UNDELIV status to connected clients.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.5
Updated: 2014.03.18.

  1. Improvement: The value of the ESM class can now be overridden in SMPP service providers.
  2. Improvement: The TLV values of delivery reports originating from SMPP service providers can now be stored with a database user.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.4
Updated: 2014.03.17.

  1. Improvement: The sender name can now be overridden by the sender name of the originator user in SAG ParlayX Service Providers.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.3
Updated: 2014.02.14.

  1. Improvement: Delivery report parsing improvements in SMPP providers (ok to DELIVRD).
  2. Improvement: User delivery report handling improvements.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.2
Updated: 2014.01.30.

  1. Improvement: Improvement in delivery report handling.
  2. Bugfix: Minor bugfix in GUI content serving.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.1
Updated: 2014.01.28.

  1. Bugfix: Bugfix in charset handling of messages originating from the HTTP API.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.3.0
Updated: 2014.01.07.

  1. Improvement: Major stability improvements.
  2. Improvement: Performance improvements.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.65
Updated: 2013.10.30.

  1. New feature: Tropo service provider (send and receive SMSes through Tropo services).
  2. Improvement: Improvements in HTTP client service provider.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.64
Updated: 2013.10.28.

  1. Improvement: MD5 hash computing capability for HTTP Client Service Provider connections.
  2. Improvement: The HTTP API will not accept sendmessage requests if the user is disabled
  3. Improvement: Improved database logging.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.63
Updated: 2013.09.27.

  1. Improvement: The window size option in SMPP Service providers can now be set up to 200.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.62
Updated: 2013.09.09.

  1. Improvement: '$pducount' parameter for SQL reporting.
  2. Improvement: Possibility of storing the raw deliver_sm PDU from SMPP Service providers using the '$rawpdu' parameter (Database user).

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.61
Updated: 2013.08.14.

  1. New feature: List management (create telephone lists and use them in routing). For more information visit

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.60
Updated: 2013.07.02.

  1. Improvement: Improvements in SAG ParlayX service providers

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.59
Updated: 2013.06.28.

  1. Improvement: AppStarter user compatibility of delivery reports from SAG ParlayX connections

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.58
Updated: 2013.06.27.

  1. Improvement: new delivery report indicator message for SAG ParlayX connections

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.57
Updated: 2013.06.21.

  1. Improvement: New option to allow accounting requests HTTP API only to the admin user

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.56
Updated: 2013.06.13.

  1. Improvement: New Data Coding Scheme (DCS) interpretation added on SMPP User connections

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.55
Updated: 2013.06.11.

  1. New Feature: You can now set the originator address to the originator's e-mail address on E-mail user connections
  2. Improvement: Improvement in SAG ParlayX Service Provider connections (multiple SAG connections)

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.54
Updated: 2013.05.22.

  1. Improvement: New option to disable delivery report sending on SMPP User connections

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.53
Updated: 2013.05.16.

  1. Improvement: New "$tagOptional" parameter for HTTP Client User
  2. Improvement: Improvement in ParlayX SAG SOAP/XML Service Provider

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.52
Updated: 2013.05.14.

  1. Improvement: Improvement in ParlayX SAG SOAP/XML Service Provider

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.51
Updated: 2013.05.02.

  1. Improvement: You can now specify the SYSTEM_ID (API_ID) parameter on SMPP Service Providers

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.50
Updated: 2013.04.25.

  1. Improvement: Improvement in ParlayX SAG SOAP/XML Service Provider
  2. Improvement: Improvement in delivery report handling on SMPP Service Providers

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.49
Updated: 2013.04.24.

  1. Improvement: Improvement in ParlayX SAG SOAP/XML Service Provider

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.48
Updated: 2013.04.18.

  1. Improvement: Improvement in ParlayX SAG SOAP/XML Service Provider
  2. Improvement: File addressbook will now be saved every time there is a modification in the contacts

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.47
Updated: 2013.04.15.

  1. Improvement: Improvement in ParlayX SAG SOAP/XML Service Provider

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.46
Updated: 2013.04.08.

  1. New Feature: New ParlayX based SOAP/XML Service Provider

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.45
Updated: 2013.03.20.

  1. New Feature: You can now set the packet timeout interval used by the built-in SMPP Server

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.44
Updated: 2013.03.19.

  1. New Feature: $tagsender parameter for SQL reporting
  2. Improvement: You can now set a delay between outgoing requests in Sunrise Service Provider
  3. Minor bugfix in SQL reporting

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.42
Updated: 2013.02.18.

  1. Improvement: You can now set the ESM_CLASS SMPP parameter directly at SMPP User connections
  2. Improvement: You can now set the sender address directly at O2 Telefonica connections
  3. Bugfix: minor bugfix in SMPP Service Provider connection

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.41
Updated: 2013.02.06.

  1. Improvement: The 'Help' menu is now available to all users
  2. Bugfix: minor bugfix in routing rule management
  3. Bugfix: minor bugfix in SQL User
  4. Bugfix: minor bugfix O2 Telefonica Service Provider

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.40
Updated: 2013.01.23.

  1. Improvement: Improvement in O2 UK Telefonica Service Provider
  2. Bugfix: Minor bugfix in SMPP Service Provider

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.39
Updated: 2013.01.15.

  1. New Feature: O2 Telefonica Service Provider
  2. Improvement: Improvement in blacklist database
  3. Improvement: Improvement in HTTP Service Provider

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.38
Updated: 2013.01.08.

  1. New Feature: New template-based HTTP Service Provider added
  2. New Feature: Blacklist Database (enabled on SMPP service providers only)
  3. Improvement: HTTP request timeout can be set on MM7 service providers
  4. Bugfix: Bugfix in built-in SMTP e-mail sending

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.37
Updated: 2013.01.04.

  1. Improvement: Stability improvements at higher message speeds
  2. Improvement: Receiveing messages on Sunrise service providers using a different perspective
  3. New Feature: Possibility of not trimming the zeroes off of callbackIDs on SMPP service providers
  4. Bugfix: Bugfix in built-in SMPP server message parsing

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.36
Updated: 2012.12.03.

  1. Improvement: more detailed logging is available in OMS user
  2. Bugfix: Bugfix in UCP Service Provider

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.35
Updated: 2012.11.21.

  1. New Feature: New Service Provider (Switzerland)
  2. Improvement: Simple SMS sending is available with MS6 HTTP API syntax
  3. Bugfix: Minor bugfixes in Email User
  4. Bugfix: Minor bugfixes in SMPP user
  5. Bugfix: Minor bugfixes in MM7 Service Provider

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.34
Updated: 2012.11.06.

  1. Improvement: It is possible to remove control characters from SQL statements
  2. Improvement: It is possible to restrict connections for SMPP users to one
  3. Improvement: The parsing of names from SMTP communication feature now has wider functionality
  4. Bugfix: Bugfix in MM7 Schema

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.33
Updated: 2012.10.29.

  1. Bugfix: Minor bugfixes in MM7 schema processing
  2. Bugfix: Minor bugfixes in SQL Addressbook

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.32
Updated: 2012.10.16.

  1. New Feature: Now you can set the time between reconnection tries for SMPP connections
  2. New Feature: Now you can parse names to replies of email-to-SMS messages if the name was specified in the SMTP communication
  3. Bugfix: Proper POP3 connection to Microsoft Outlook

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.31
Updated: 2012.10.05.

  1. Improvement: you can receive MMS messages with an extended support through GSM network connections
  2. Improvement: now you can send and receive MMS messages with the extra of .jar attachments
  3. Improvement: the sql database handling has become stable

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.29
Updated: 2012.08.24.

  1. Bugfix: Asp user output saving
  2. Improvement: SMPP Error handling

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.28
Updated: 2012.08.21.

  1. Bugfix (Encoding): Bugfix in GSM 7-bit encoding
  2. Bugfix (Telnet): Bugfix in SMTP Telnet session

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.27
Updated: 2012.08.13.

  1. Bugfix (SMPP service provider): Bugfix in Dynamic SMPP parameters.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.26
Updated: 2012.08.09.

  1. Improvement (MM7 service provider): Correction in MM7 service provider.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.25
Updated: 2012.08.07.

  1. Feature (SMPP service provider): Ability to add servicetype parameter as Dynamic SMPP parameters.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.24
Updated: 2012.08.01.

  1. Feature (Twilio sevice provider): Twilio provider to send or receive SMS through Twilio.
  2. Improvement (Built in SMTP server): Little changes in email processing mechanism.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.23
Updated: 2012.07.20.

  1. Improvement (SMPP provider): Improvement messages handling.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.22
Updated: 2012.07.17.

  1. BugFix (Asp user): Bugfix in ASP user.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.21
Updated: 2012.07.12.

  1. BugFix (SMPP provider): Bugfix in delivery report handling.
  2. Improvement (HTTP Client Connection): Improvement HTTP basic authentication.
  3. Improvement (SNMP monitoring server user): Improvement SNMP trap and SNMP response handling.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.20
Updated: 2012.07.09.

  1. Features (HTTP Client User): Capability to enable force accept certificates for https connections.
  2. Features (UCP provider): Capability to enable only one delivery report required when sends long SMS.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.20
Updated: 2012.07.09.

  1. Features (HTTP Client User): Capability to enable force accept certificates for https connections.
  2. Features (UCP provider): Capability to enable only one delivery report required when sends long SMS.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.19
Updated: 2012.07.03.

  1. Features (UCP provider): More configurable parameter capability.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.18
Updated: 2012.06.14.

  1. BugFix (Emailuser interface): Use phone numbers in the to address.
  2. Improvement (Database reporting): Sender address override in reporting.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.17
Updated: 2012.06.04.

  1. Features (SMPP provider): Vodafone UK new delivery report format handling.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.16
Updated: 2012.06.01.

  1. Features (SMPP provider): Settings for SMPP client to identificate SMSC.
  2. Improvement(Engine): Delivery report logging modification.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.15
Updated: 2012.05.17.

  1. Bugfix(SMPP): bugfix in multipart sms processing.
  2. Improvement(SMPP): New delivery report format handling.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.13
Updated: 2012.04.19.

  1. Improvement (MMS message forwarding): Modification of incoming MMS processing.
  2. Improvement (SNMP monitoring): SNMP request processing. Detailed logging.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.12
Updated: 2012.04.13.

  1. Some minor bugfixes.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.11
Updated: 2012.04.12.

  1. Improvement (MMS message handling): Better MMS attachments handling.
  2. Other minor bugfixes.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.10
Updated: 2012.04.06.

  1. Improvement (SMPP provider): '@' character handling.
  2. Improvement (Email user interface): Quoted printable decoding changes.
  3. BugFix: CPS Sonofon/Telenor Connection Provider bugfix.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.9
Updated: 2012.03.29.

  1. Improvement(SNMP monitoring support): You can use built in SNMP monitoring agent to query Ozeki NG's certain variables.
  2. BugFix: RSS timezone bugfix

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.8
Updated: 2012.03.12.

  1. Improvement SMTP: Emails' From field telephone number prefix content can be used as outgoing SMS messages' sender address.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.7
Updated: 2012.03.01.

  1. Bugfix in TDC connection.
  2. Other minor bugfixes.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.5
Updated: 2012.01.24.

  1. Improvement(Engine): Optional fields from e-mail, database or via HTTP API.
  2. Improvement(SMPP): You can set TON and NPI values per message.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.4
Updated: 2012.01.12.

  1. Bugfix(MM7): MM7 schema with DeliverReq has been modified.
  2. Bugfix(SMPP): bugfix in UCS2 decoding function.
  3. Bugfix(Engine): "Copy delivery report" function was not working properly in some special cases. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.3
Updated: 2012.01.06.

  1. Improvement(SMTP): New E-mail to MMS feature is added.
  2. Improvement(SMTP): You can do more specific configuration regarding which recipient of the e-mail receives the SMS.
  3. Improvement(MM7): New MM7 schema with DeliverReq support is added.
  4. Improvement(SMPP): The software can decode the UCS2 encoding incoming messages.
  5. Improvement(SMPP): System ID can be configured.
  6. Bugfix(Addressbook): The Import function of the Addressbook was not working properly in Windows Vista. It is fixed now.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.2
Updated: 2011.12.16.

  1. Improvement (Logging): It can be configured in the software to compress the rotated log files.
  2. Improvement (Email user): The maximum time of timeout can be set at POP3 connection.
  3. Bugfix (SMTP): The in-built SMTP server managed empty Subjects incorrectly. This is solved now.
  4. Bugfix (Message handling): Small changes performed in deleting old messages.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.2.1
Updated: 2011.12.08.

  1. Imporvement: Important security fixes. Update is highly recommended for everybody.
  2. Imporvement (Comunika Service provider): Message sending works properly with Communika driver.
  3. Imporovement(HTTP API): The reporting functions are available via HTTP API.
  4. Bugfix (ASP user): ASP user was not working properly in some cases. This bug is fixed.
  5. Bugfix(SMPP): In some cases incoming delivery report were decoded as text messages. This bug is now fixed.
  6. Bugfix(GSMModem): Ozeki NG service stopped is some special cases. This bug is now fixed.
  7. Bugfix(Addressbook): Import/export functions now works properly.
  8. Bugfix(Accounting): In some cases the account history was not correct. This bug is now fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.21
Updated: 2011.11.07.

  1. Improvement in stability
  2. Minor Bugfixes

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.20
Updated: 2011.10.18.

  1. Improvement (HTTP API): The response XML of the "getMsgInfoByID" method from this version will give back the optional field for the message.
  2. Bugfix (SMPP Service Provider): In some cases, the TLV field was not decoded properly. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway 4.1.19.
Updated: 2011.10.13.

  1. Improvement (New service provider connection): The system now allows to send SMS messages to pagers. It is called SNPP connection.
  2. Bugfix (HTTP API): createuser, configuser, deleteuser responses.
  3. Improvement (users and service providers): When a user or a service provider is being uninstalled, a pop-up window asks for confirmation.
  4. Improvement (users): The name of a user cannot hold dots (.) anymore.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.18
Updated: 2011.10.04.

  1. Improvement (Logging): A more detailed logging is included in this new release. Log rotation is also improved to use zip format for packing the rotated files.
  2. Improvement (New service provider connection): The system is now compatible with the service of Comunika Brazilia.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.17
Updated: 2011.09.27.

  1. Bugfix ( SMS APIs): The "receivemessage" method gave back a duplicated messagedata. This bug is fixed.
  2. Improvement in stability.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.16
Updated: 2011.09.23.

  1. Improved System database function compatibility with Oracle databases.
  2. Improved GSM modem driver stability.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.15
Updated: 2011.09.19.

  1. Improvement (SQL reporting): Improved compatibility with Oracle databases.
  2. Improvement (Logging): Message logging is slightly increased for better traceability.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.14
Updated: 2011.09.12.

  1. Improvement (Addressbook groups and users): This version supports logging for addressbook groups and users.
  2. Improvement (Autoreply Database user): $1, $2, $3, etc, keywords are available for Autoreply Database user, as well.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.13
Updated: 2011.09.08.

  1. Improvement (SQL reporting): You can now filter for operator.
  2. Improvement (SQL reporting): Some fields will be visible only for the administrator at inbound and outbound reporting.
  3. Bugfix (SMPP connection): Now the SMPP alternative delivery matching system works correctly.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.12
Updated: 2011.08.26.

  1. Improvement (Voip driver): Improvement in re-registration, in connection stability and in memory usage.
  2. Improvement (Voip): The maximum duration of Voip calls can be limited.
  3. Improvement (SQL reporting): Extended features has been added.
  4. Improvement (SMPP driver): Alternative delivery report matching system has been added.
  5. Improvement (HTTP API): Extended user and driver management functions have been added to HTTP API.
  6. Bugfix (E-mail user): The port numbers cannot be changed in some cases. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.11
Updated: 2011.08.22.

  1. Improvement in password handling.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.10.
Updated: 2011.08.09.

  1. Improvement (SQL reporting): Major improvement in SQL reporting. Better performance in case of large datasets. The reporting engine takes into account more parameters, which means more filter options can be specified. The reporting graphical user interface was also improved.
  2. Bugfix (SQL Addressbook): In some special cases the import function didn't work properly. This bug has been fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.9
Updated: 2011.08.02.

  1. Improvement (HTTP Client user): Sent time and Received time can be specified in 12 hour time format with two keywords ($senttime12 and $receivedtime12).

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.8.
Updated: 2011.07.26.

  1. Improvement (UCP connection): The validity period can be specified for SMS messages.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.7
Updated: 2011.07.21.

  1. Bugfix (SQL Addressbook): In some special cases the import function didn't work properly. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.6
Updated: 2011.07.11.

  1. Improvement (build in SMTP server): Microsoft Exchange logim method is supported.
  2. Improvement (VoIP connection): This new release supports STUN and TURN protocols to further improve NAT compatibility.
  3. Improvement (VoIP connection): Extended codec support has been added:
    • iLBC
    • G722
    • G729
    • SPEEX
    • GSM

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.5
Updated: 2011.07.04.

  1. Improvement (HTTP Client Service Provider): You can use HTTP protocol v1.0 instead of HTTP protocol v1.1 to send your HTTP requests.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.3
Updated: 2011.06.27.

  1. Improvement (GSMModem, MMS): You can disable the address hiding feature.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.2
Updated: 2011.06.24.

  1. Improvement in password handling.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.1
Updated: 2011.06.23.

  1. Improvement: VoIP driver is updated.
  2. Bugfix: Accounting settings work correctly for users.
  3. Bugfix: MMS delivery reports from T-Mobile are being recorded for the users.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.1.0
Updated: 2011.06.10.

  1. Improvemnet in compatibility: Both .Net Framework 4 and .NET Framewok 3.5 are supported now
  2. Improvement in PDU encoding: PDU extension for landlines.
  3. Bugfix (Autoreply user). The subscription list management had a problem in some cases with incoming messages.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.0.4
Updated: 2011.05.04.

  1. Improvement (File user): Kerridge Autoline XML file format is supported.
  2. Bugfix (SMPP user): SMPP user kept logging low level communication even if ’Log low level communication’ was switched off. This bug is fixed.
  3. Bugfix (FTP user): Now the FTP user is handling outgoing messages properly.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.0.3
Updated: 2011.04.11.

  1. Improvement (VoIP Autodialer): Registration on SIP server supports Cisco call manager.
  2. Improvement (MM7): Improved compatibility with REL-5-MM7-1-2 schema.
  3. Bugfix (CIMD2): The concatenated message segment order using CIMD2 connection is set to use FIFO, becuase some service providers did not accept concatenated messages segments in case they did not follow each other.
  4. Improvement in password handling: Passwords can contain hashmark (#) and other special characters.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.0.2
Updated: 2011.04.04.

  1. Improvement (CIMD2): Parameter 44 (MoreMessagesToSend) at multipart message can be configured on the GUI.
  2. Improvement (Sonofon, Denmark connection): Concatenated messages are sent in the required sequence on the Sonofon service provider client implementation (for Sonofon Denmark).
  3. Charcater encoding (C# client API): Character encoding in C# client API now uses UTF 16
  4. Bugfix (VoIP Autodialer): The registration was not working on some VoIP PBXes. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.0.1
Updated: 2011.03.25.

  1. Improvement (CIMD2): The CIMD2 driver was updated to provide better performance if multiple connections are set up to the same SMSC.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v4.0.0
Updated: 2011.03.23.

  1. Ozeki NG 4.0 is outstanding in performance. We are proud of the new processing engine we have put under the hood. This engine gives even greater performance with less CPU utilization and smaller memory consumption. A change that makes Ozeki NG SMS Gateway an even better choice if you want to install it on a virutal server.
  2. Ozeki NG 4.0 is also equipped with excellent Voice capabilities. It can dial telephones through SIP/VoIP connections and can play in previously recorded voice messages or can use text to speech conversion to read in text. It has native support for English text to speech language and it can also use Google's text-to-speech service to read the texts in many languages.
  3. Another major improvement of this vesrsion is that messaging capabilites are available via it's new SOAP webservice interface. This interface can serve windows communication foundation (WCF) webservice clients.
  4. Some other changes, worth mentinoning are, that the "FTP User" option supports the same "Verbose" file format, that was supported by the file user in previous versions. MM7 loggging supports special (UTF8) caharcters, MM7 Client Certificate identification is added, the parsing of GSM modem WAP Gateway's address works even if it is not in IP:PORT fromat
  5. The new version is based on .NET Framework 4.0

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.16.6
Updated: 2011.01.13.

  1. Improvement (2 way email to sms): You can customize the notification's template.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.16.5
Updated: 2011.01.11.

  1. Bug fix in VoIP Autodialer.
  2. Bug fix in 2 way email to sms function.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.16.4
Updated: 2011.01.10.

  1. Improvement: New 2 way e-mail to sms function. SMS delivered to network and SMS delivered to handset reports can be returned to the e-mail sender and reply SMS messages can also be returned in e-mail.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.16.3
Updated: 2011.01.06.

  1. Improvement (VoIP Autodialer): Logs are more detailed.
  2. Improvement (MM7): You can configure custom XML tags in your MM7 schema.
  3. Bug fix (MMS): In some cases the NG didn't sent all of the attachments. This bug is fixed.
  4. Bug fix (Addressbook): Import and Export functions work correct.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.16.2
Updated: 2010.12.29.

  1. Improvement (TDC connection): Now you can set the User Associated Webservice ID.
  2. Improvement (VoIP Autodialer): Now you can view the SIP messages of the VOIP Autodialer service provider
  3. Improvement (UCP connection): Now you can use the LA_id at the Delivery Notification Operation
  4. Improvement (Voting user): Now you can configure the unknown keyword message
  5. Bug fix (TDC connection): Wrong service endpoint was reported to TDC. this bug is now fixed.
  6. Bug fix (Accounting): The accounting was not working in some cases. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.16.0
Updated: 2010.12.07.

  1. New, fantastic VoIP support feature that allows you to send prerecorded voice messages with Ozeki NG - SMS Gateway. With this new feature, a more personal way of information sharing becomes available. With just a few clicks, the software can call everyone on your contact list and play your voice message for them.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.47
Updated: 2010.11.02.

  1. Bug fix (MM7): "Message format corrupted" bug is now fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.45
Updated: 2010.10.29.

  1. Improvement (Database user): Replace characters that can be set for "SQL for receiving" tab will also be applied for "SQL for sending" tab.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.36
Updated: 2010.09.07.

  1. New feature: new service provider TDC, Denmark connection.
  2. Bug Fix (v3.15.34, TDC connection) : multiple web services couldn't start on the same computer using the same port when multiple service provider connections are installed. This bug was fixed.
  3. Bug Fix ( File user): Ozeki NG didn't sent out the message at the date you set in the csv file. This bug was fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.35
Updated: 2010.08.31.

  1. New feature: new service provider TDC, Denmark connection.
  2. Bug Dix (TDC): TDC web service can't stop in some special cases. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.33
Updated: 2010.08.26.

  1. Improvement (SMPP Connection): Now you can set the TLV field as an Optional parameter.
  2. Improvement (File user): File user is now compatible with the SAP file format
  3. Improvement (File user): File user is now compatible with the ATF file format
  4. Bug fix (MM7): Ericsson schema subject field is fixed

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.32
Updated: 2010.08.11.

  1. Bug fix (MM7): Some minor problems with the MM7 delivery report processing has been fixed
  2. Bug fix (Message handling): The scheduled SMS was not sent out. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.28
Updated: 2010.07.20.

  1. Bug fix(MM7 Connection): Delivery report request and response feature was updated for schema REL-5-MM7-1-2_MAXIS

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.21
Updated: 2010.07.09.

  1. Bug fix (MM7 connection): Maxis schema validity error fix.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.20
Updated: 2010.07.08.

  1. Improvement (MM7): MM7 Delivery report processing has been added.
  2. Bug fix (HTTP API, Excel client): When large amout of messages was sent from Excel client, there was Out of memory exception on the HTTP response. This bug was fixed.,
  3. Bug fix (Addressbook): When the recipient of the message is a group which not existed, an error occured. This bug was fixed.
  4. Bug fix (Voting user): Voting user's general tab was not appeared. This bug was fixed.
  5. Bug fix (MM7): EAN13 Barcode was not sent using MM7 connection. This bug was fixed.
  6. Bug fix (Engine): TCP connections were not closed with client disconnection. This bug was fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.19
Updated: 2010.06.24.

  1. Bug fix (SMPP connection): message id was sent wrong in the cancel_sm field. This bug is fixed.
  2. Improvement (Address Book): You can configure each user's addressbook on the user's configuration page.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.18
Updated: 2010.06.17.

  1. Improvement (MM7 Connection): New MM7 Schema (MCEL_Mozambique).
  2. Improvement (Message folders): The sorting of the sent folder has changed. Now the latest sent message is in the top of the folder.
  3. New feature (Message folders): A recycle icon has been added next to each message folder. Now you are able to delete the whole folder with one click.
  4. Bug fix (GSM Modem connection): Ozeki NG was unable to recognize some delivery reports via GSM modem. This bug is fixed.
  5. Bug fix (Addressbook import): The user groups was not handled correcty during the importing. This bug is fixed

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.17
Updated: 2010.06.10.

  1. Improvement (MM7 Service provider): MM7 MMS messages are received through MM7 service provider instead of HTTP server.
  2. Improvement (Address Book): A new address book has been implemented. From now on, you can choose each user's addressbook type: File addressbook, LDAP addressbook, SQL addressbookBefore you install this version, export the old addressbook to MS Excel XML, and then import it to the new one. Addressbook types:
    Import/Export contacts:
  3. New feature (Forwarder user): This user can forward messages from one service provider to another.
  4. Bug fix (Hungary, Pannon GSM, SMS Futár service): The DataCodingSheme bug was fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.11
Updated: 2010.05.28.

  1. Improvement (MM7 connection): Some service providers compatibility was improved.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.10
Updated: 2010.05.28.

  1. New feature (WCF Client): The Ozeki NG - SMS Gateway now is able to connect to Web Service via WCF connection.
  2. Improvement (Outlook Mobile Service): You can set the maximum length of the messages.
  3. Improvement (MM7 Connection): New MM7 Schema (REL_5_MM7_1_2_MAXIS).
  4. Improvement (MM7 receiving): The HTTP Server service provider connection can accept MM7 messages with binary encoded attachments.
  5. Bug fix (Engine): The built in SMTP server blocked the program shutdown in some special cases. This bug is fixed.
  6. Bug fix (Engine): Message forward button bug is fixed.
  7. Bug fix (Engine): "Collection was modified..." bug is fixed.
  8. Bug fix (Engine): "Argument out of Range..." bug is fixed.
  9. Bug fix (Accounting): Accounting service doesn't update the current balance. This bug is fixed.
  10. Bug fix (Smpp connection): Unicode character decoding issue is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.7
Updated: 2010.05.13.

  1. Bug fix (Engine): "Could not load type '...' from assembly" bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.6
Updated: 2010.04.20.

  1. Bug fix: Philippines, EGG service provider connection.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.5
Updated: 2010.04.19.

  1. Bug fix: Philippines, EGG service provider connection.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.4
Updated: 2010.04.16.

  1. New feature: Philippines, EGG service provider connection.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.3
Updated: 2010.04.15.

  1. Improvement (GUI Enhancments): The addressbook forms have been slightly modified
  2. Improvement (E-mail to SMS): Windows Mail and Outlook express compatibility was improved.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.2
Updated: 2010.04.13.

  1. Improvement (e-mail to SMS): New e-mail clients, such as Mozilla Thunderbird 3.x introduced a new method to encode long e-mail subjects containing unicode characters. Support was added to handle this encoding option.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.15.1
Updated: 2010.04.13.

  1. Improvement (Labeling): The software makes it possible to rename the service exe file, the service itself in the windows service manager, the default program group and the trial messages in case of demo operation. This feature are available for those who have purchased the labeling option.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.31
Updated: 2010.03.23.

  1. Bug Fix (SQL database queues): When the message queues were stored in a database server instead of the file system, the system did not load messages in some environments during startup. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.30
Updated: 2010.03.08.

  1. Bug fix (UCP connection): Delivery reports send the phone number in international format.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.29
Updated: 2010.03.05.

  1. Improvement (Email user): Encapsulated E-mail addresses are supported.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.28
Updated: 2010.03.04.

  1. New feature (EAIF service provider connection): The EAIF (Extended Application Interface) protocol was added to support MMS submissions over HTTP or HTTPS.
  2. Improvement (Email user): Email user now supports Encapsulated E-mail Addresses.
  3. Bug fix (Email user): Email parsing doesn't work correctly in some cases. This bug was fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.27
Updated: 2010.02.25.

  1. Improvement (Addressbook): You can delete all contacts from contact groups by one click.
  2. Improvement (Addressbook): The actual page number is hidden when you have only one page in the address book.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.26
Updated: 2010.02.23.

  1. Bug fix (Addressbook): Addressbook shows only the first 1000 contacts if you use contact groups. This bug was fixed.
  2. Bug fix (Addressbook): Export doesn't work if you have more than 1000 contacts. This bug was fixed.
  3. Bug fix (User management): You can't find all messages in folders if you have more than 1000 messages. This bug was fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.25
Updated: 2010.02.19.

  1. New feature (FTP user): The FTP to SMS user downloads files from an ftp server periodically and sends its contents as sms messages.
  2. Improvement (Addressbook): manages large number of contacts in a simple way.
  3. Improvement (MM7 connection): The system is now compatible with the MM7 service of Sabafon Yemen.
  4. Improvement (MM7 connection): You can set message subject when you use Kuwait_Wataniya schema.
  5. Bug Fix (Outlook Mobile Service): The Outlook Mobile Service webservice registration did not work on some computers.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.23
Updated: 2010.01.27.

  1. Improvement (MM7 connection): The system is now compatible with the MM7 service of Dimoco Austria.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.22
Updated: 2010.01.27.

  1. Improvement (Excel SMS): The Ozeki.xls file has been improved, to make it possible to rename it.
  2. Bug fix (SQL logging): The configuration changes did not apply to the database connection string unless the service was restarted. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.21
Updated: 2010.01.21.

  1. Bug Fix (SMPP connection): When the TLV method was used to submit english multipart SMS messages, the total number of message segment field was not calculated properly. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.20
Updated: 2010.01.05.

  1. Improvement (Database user): The SQL command execution timeout can be specified on the Advanced tab of the database user configuration form
  2. Improvement (SMPP service provider connection): The ESM and DCS fields can be customized in a more advanced way. The configuration form has been redesigned. If you use SMPP, please review your SMPP configuration, especially the ESM and DCS settings on your configuration form after applying this update!!!
  3. Improvement (RSS to SMS): Proxy support was added to make it possible to download RSS feeds even if you are behind a proxy server.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.16
Updated: 2009.12.02.

  1. New feature (Http Server Connection): The HTTP Server Service Provider Connection can be configured to wait for response messages from back end applications. A new checkbox was added to it's configuration form. Thanks to this new feature the response messages can be customized for each request.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.15
Updated: 2009.11.29.

  1. Improvement (RSS 2 SMS): The service can be setup with keyword based subscription / unsubscription.
  2. Improvement (Configuration): Delivery report matching can be switched off

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.13
Updated: 2009.11.16.

  1. Modification (Database user): Native MySQL support was removed due to licensing issues. If you want to connect your Ozeki NG SMS gateway to MySQL, please download the MyODBC driver from

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.12
Updated: 2009.11.16.

  1. New feature (RSS to SMS): You can configure the software to read RSS feeds and send new news entries as SMS to a phone number or to a group of people (e.g.: to a subscription list).
  2. New feature (MM7 receiving): The HTTP Server service provider connection can accept incoming MMS messages through the MM7 protocol
  3. New feature (Database user): The submit timezone of incoming messages can be saved in the database with the utcoffsetsenttime keyword.
  4. New feature (Database user): The $decodedmessagedata keyword is made available to handle a situation, if binary SMS messages and text messages are received at the same time. In case of binary messages this keyword holds the hexadecimal string describing the binary data. In case of text messages this keyword holds the decoded text.
  5. Bug fix (Non-persitent queues): On some systems if non-persistent message queues have been used, the user interface had a bug, that prevented moving messages from one message folder to another. This bug was fixed.
  6. Improvement (E-mail user): If the grp://groupname recipient is specified in the subject line of an e-mail messages downloaded through the POP3 protocol, the contents of the messages will be sent to the group of recipients defined in the address book.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.11
Updated: 2009.11.04.

  1. Imrovement (GSM Modem connection): Time zone parameter has been implemented to support correct timestamps for messages sent across different time zones
  2. Improvement (Database user): New keywords have been added to the SQL templates to support UTC time format. The new keywords are: $utcsenttime and $utcreceivedtime
  3. New feature (MMS receiving over MM7): The HTTPServer service provider connection can accept MMS messages posted through the MM7 protocol.
  4. Improvement (Installation package): Installation requires .NET Framework 3.5

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.10
Updated: 2009.11.02.

  1. Improvement (Windows 7 support): The software was updated to meet the permission standards of Windows 7

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.9
Updated: 2009.10.29.

  1. Bug fix (Outlook Mobile Service)

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.8
Updated: 2009.10.28.

  1. Improvement (MM7 Connection): new MM7 schema (Kuwait_Wataniya)

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.7
Updated: 2009.10.23.

  1. Bug fix (Engine stability): A bug was found, that could bring the service down if it was used heavily. The bug effected the built in http api and some client connections. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.6
Updated: 2009.10.21.

  1. Bug fix(Outlook Mobile Service): The Outlook Mobile Service webservice registration did not work on some computers.
  2. Bug fix (Backward compatibility): The stored message format of the previous version was not compatible with earlier versions. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.5
Updated: 2009.10.17.

  1. Bug fix (Multipart messages): In some cases the reassembly of the message parts of multipart incoming SMS messages was not handled properly. This problem was resolved in this version.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.4
Updated: 2009.10.16.

  1. New feature (Outlook Mobile Service): Ozeki NG SMS Gateway can be configured to provide Outlook Mobile Service for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
  2. New feautre (SNMP to SMS): The SNMP network management protocol implementations were improvided to provide better SMS alerting and SMS forwarding
  3. Bug fix (UCP Connection): Incoming message decoding had a bug.
  4. Bug fux (SMTP server): The built in SMTP server did not decode the subject line of the e-mail message properly in some cases. This bug is fixed

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.3
Updated: 2009.10.08.

  1. New feature (Database user): The raw pdu that is used when the SMS is transmitted or received can be inserted into the database.
  2. New feature (SQL logging): The raw pdu that is used when the SMS is transmitted or received can be inserted into the database.
  3. Bug fix (GSM modem connection): The settings for some MMS service providers, such as Vodefone UK did not work porperly. These settings have been updated.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.2
Updated: 2009.09.24.

  1. Improvement (SMPP User): The SMPP User configuration form was modified. Now you can configure when to return a delivery report to the SMPP client. You can return a delivery report when the message was delivered to the network, when a the message was delivered to the handset, or on both events.
  2. Bug fix (SMPP User): The error message could have been longer then 160 characters in previous version. New the error message size is limited to 160 characters to meet SMPP standard compliance.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.1
Updated: 2009.09.18.

  1. Improvement (GSM Modem connection): The modem autodetection feature was improved to try various flow control options on a port. This way most USB modems will be detected. Manual flow control setting also became possible.
  2. Improvement (SMPP Service provider connection): Etisalat in Dubai has changed the date format of the delivery report. A new feature was introduced that makes date format customizable on the SMPP configuration form.
  3. Improvement (SQL Logging): Messages that could not be sent due to routing configuration problems, are also logged in the SQL logging database as undelivered messages.
  4. Bug fix (Upgrade installation): Upgrade from older versions of the software in the previous version did not work an 64bit Windows 2008. This problem is resolved.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.14.0
Updated: 2009.09.16.

  1. New feature (SNMP monitoring server user): The software can receive SNMP traps and can send an SMS in case the reported SNMP value matches a certain pattern.
  2. New feature (SNMP query user)> The software can query SNMP agents using the SNMP GET request. If the queried value matches a certain patter it can send an SMS.
  3. New feature (SMS pdf user): If somebody sends in an e-mail address in an SMS message, the software can e-mail a document to that e-mail address.
  4. Bug fix (POP3 server): The built in POP3 server was not compatible with Exchange. Now it works.
  5. Improvement (SQL logging): Messages that were rejected due to insufficient credits were not logged as not sent in the SQL logging system. Now they are logged.
  6. Improvement (SQL logging): Standard users can only see the Reporting menu item if SQL Logging is enabled.
  7. Feature removed (ParlayX wse): The wse based implementation of the ParlayX protocol 2.0 was removed, becuase it had problems due to the underlying technology.
  8. In previous beta versions there have been many changes and improvements, please check out the beta tab to see all the new features.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.31
Updated: 2009.09.04.

  1. Improvement (Database user): The SQL select template supports keywords to query server clock.
  2. Improvement (Sendsms.exe): The command line tool was improved to allow apostrophe in the command line parameters, not just quotation marks.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.30
Updated: 2009.08.17.

  1. Improvement (engine): Message loop prevention can be turned off in the "Advanced tab" of the server preferences form.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.29
Updated: 2009.08.12.

  1. New feature (CIMD2 connection, tariff class): The CIMD2 connection allows the adjustment of the tariff class parameter. To provide a custom tariff class, in an SQL to SMS configuration, simply add a new column called tariffclass to the ozekimessageout table, and adjust the SQL select template to include this column in the Database user configuration form.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.28
Updated: 2009.08.07.

  1. Improvement (SMPP user): On the advanced tab of the configuration form, you can select the message ID format.
  2. Improvement (SMPP service provider connection): Delivery reports returned in TLV fields are handled
  3. Improvement (Database user): New keywords can be used in the SQL templates. These keywords make it possible to refer to a certain word in the message. E.g: $1 refers to the first word in the message text, $2 referes to the second
  4. Improvement (Multilanguage support): The language can be changed without service restart

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.27
Updated: 2009.07.27.

  1. New feature (SQL logging): The update SQL statement that is executed after a message is accepted by the SMSC for delivery, can be extended with a new keyword called $route. This keyword will hold the value, that shows which route was used to select the service provider connection. This keyword is useful to be able to tell if the message was sent through a backup route.
  2. New feature (HTTP server user, SMPP user): A new checkbox was added to the configuration form. This checkbox makes it possible to decide if the user is allowed to access the web based graphical user interface of the SMS gateway.
  3. Bug fix (UCP service provider connection): Alphanumeric sender ID did not support space. Now it supports it.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.26
Updated: 2009.07.21.

  1. New experimental feature (Multi language GUI): The translation options were improved. The default language is set to English.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.25
Updated: 2009.07.16.

  1. New experimental feature (Multi language GUI): You can add new languages and translate the graphical user interface.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.24
Updated: 2009.07.16.

  1. Bug fix (SMPP service provider connectivity): In some cases the first character was lost during message reassembly, when multipart messages were received by the system. This happened if the UDH field was included in the message text instead of the SMPP TLV fields. This bug is now fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.23
Updated: 2009.07.14.

  1. Improvement (SMPP service provider connectivity): For incoming messages UDH is processed properly even if it is included in the message body instead of TLV fields. This makes it possible to support message reassembly for incoming multipart messages sent through ancient SMSC connections.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.22
Updated: 2009.06.27.

  1. New feature (GSM modem connection, GPRS SMS support): Some GSM networks support GPRS SMS to provide better performance for SMS transfer. If your network support GPRS SMS, you can enable the "GPRS SMS Sending" feature on the "Message handling" tab of the GSM Modem configuration form.
  2. Improvement (GSM modem connection): Asynchronous status reports and incoming messages are handled better. Originally if an SMS message or a delivery report came in asynchronously through the CMT or CDS method, while another SMS was being sent, the send attempt failed. Thanks to this improvement, this will not happen in this and future releases.
  3. Improvement (Graphical user interface): Some unnecessary menu items were removed from the GUI of non-admin users, to simplify the user interface.
  4. Improvement (SMPP service provider connection): The servicetype field can be freely defined for each submitted message. (Hint: If you want to use this option in an SQL to SMS gateway configuration, add a servicetype column to the SELECT SQL template, and specify the value of the service type field as a hex string when you insert the message into the ozekimessageout database table.)
  5. Bug fix (SQL logging): Delivery reports with status codes reflecting unsuccessful delivery were not logged into the SQL logging database. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.21
Updated: 2009.06.25.

  1. Improvement (SMPP service provider connection): The system type field can be updated on a per message basis. In previous version it could be updated on the configuration form. In the new version, if you wish to set the system type field for a message, that you send from SQL, simply add a column called systemtype to the SQL Select template in the Database user configuration form.
  2. Improvement (Message reassembly for incoming multipart messages): When multipart messages were received, originally the multipart message reference number was used to concatenate the message segments. In case high traffic environments, two messages could have came in with the same multipart message reference number. To improve message reassembly this version checks both, the sender telephone and the multipart message reference number number when the message parts are concatenated. This eliminates possible errors in message segment reassembly.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.20
Updated: 2009.06.18.

  1. New feature (GSM modem, MMS sending): You can define a port number in the WAP gateway field if you use custom MMS settings
  2. Improvement (SMTP service provider connection): If you define a full e-mail address for sender or receiver or both, the system will not use the templates defined in the configuration form.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.19
Updated: 2009.06.15.

  1. New feature (SMPP User): The SMSC default charset can be configured. You can seelct ISO-8859-1 and GSM 7 bit. This setting applies to messages submitted with DCS value of 0, and of course this does not effect the unicode and binary messages.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.18
Updated: 2009.06.09.

  1. Bug fix (File user): pending lock files are removed
  2. Improvement (File user): For the csv and list file formats, the filename is preserverd for submitted messages. This means that the same file name will be used in the sent and not sent folder as the one that was used in the outbox during submission.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.17
Updated: 2009.06.07.

  1. Improvement (SMPP service provider connection): If multiple delivery reports come in for the same message, the last one will be considered.
  2. Improvement (HTTP API): Several messages with different text and recipient address can be posted in a single HTTP request to the server. This gives better performance. More information is available in the multiple message submission section of the HTTP API specification.
  3. Improvement (GUI): The GUI was updated to make it easier to work with many service provider connections and many users (the users are sorted by username, the service providers are sorted by service provider name, the first 15 users and service provider connections will be visible in the menu and there is a separate page to access the rest, some javascript issues have been handled).

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.15
Updated: 2009.05.31.

  1. New feature (SNMP support): Ozeki NG is now integrated with the Windows SNMP service. This integration makes it possible to query informatoin about SMS service provider connections and other parameters through the SNMP protocol. Since SNMP is supported by most network management systems, such as Nagios, HP Openview, Novell NMS, IBM NetView or Sun Net Manager, Ozeki NG SMS Gateway can become a manged component in enterprise networks. More information is available in the Ozeki SNMP extension page.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.14
Updated: 2009.05.26.

  1. New feature (SMPP service provider connection): A new checkbox was added to the charsets tab of the SMPP service provider connection, that allows the user to convert incoming GSM 7 bit characters to iso 8859-1. This is needed to handle special characters sent by some SMPP service providers.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.13
Updated: 2009.05.21.

  1. New feature (Built in SMTP server): The built in SMTP server can be configured to forward the e-mail subject, the e-mail body or both as SMS. In the previous versions both the subject and the body was forwarded.
  2. New feature (GUI): very large message queues can be viewed in the message browser
  3. New feature (GUI): the server time is displazyed in the bottom of the message composer form
  4. Improvement (GSM Modem connection, MM1 MMS Sending): The modem timeout period has been increase for MMS transfers, because in some networks it takes more then 30 seconds to log onto the GPRS connection.
  5. Improvement (HTTP SMS API): Scheduled SMS submission became possible. A new parameter, called sendondate was introduced to make it possible to submit messages on a predefined date and time.
  6. Improvement (Service monitor): A shortcut is added to the user startup folder to start the service monitor automatically when the user logs in
  7. Improvement (Service monitor): If the default port number of the GUI webserver is changed from 9501, in the "Edit/Server preferences" form, the "Manage/Configure" menu item of the service monitor will notice the change and will opten the configuration form with the new port number.
  8. Improvement (Database user): Some browsers change the space character to non breakable space during configuration. This has resulted in a warning message (WARNING 2010) while the SQL templates were processed. The software was updated to handle this issue. The default behavior now, is that non breakable spaces are replaced to normal spaces before the SQL command is executed.
  9. Improvement (Delivery reports, CIMD2 and UCP): The delivery report matching for CIMD2 and UCP connections was improved. The delivery reports are matched to the corresponding message regardless of the + sign in front of the telephone number.
  10. Improvement (GUI, message submission): Alternative message types can be submitted as a text message. If the first word in the message contains an Ozeki Message Type identifier, the message will be converted to the appropriate type. This is useful for e-mail to SMS gateway configurations.
  11. Improvement (SMPP User): Chinese character set support was added
  12. Bug fix (UCP service provider connection): The UCP connection did not handle message class (flash sms) settings properly for incoming messages. This bug was fixed.
  13. Bug fix (E-mail to SMS, SMTP): The built in SMTP server processes e-mail messages with empty subject line properly
  14. Bug fix (Delivery report handling): Entries older then one week are deleted from the message reference table
  15. Bug fix (Sonofon service provider connection): Some special Danish characters were not encoded properly. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.11
Updated: 2009.05.15.

  1. Improvement (SMPP User): Chinese character set support was added
  2. Bug fix (UCP service provider connection): The UCP connection did not handle message class (flash sms) settings properly for incoming messages. This bug was fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.10
Updated: 2009.05.11.

  1. Bug fix (Delivery report matching): The delivery report matching for multipart SMS messages was not working properly. This bug is now fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.9
Updated: 2009.05.11.

  1. Improvement (Delivery report matching): For CIMD2 and UCP connections, the delivery report reference ID is converted to include only the last 7 digits of the phone number. This gives us better error rate while match delivery reports to submitted messages. If the full number would be included, matching would not work in case the returned delivery repot contins a different network prefix in the phone number.
  2. Improvement (Message submission): Alternative message types can be submitted as a text message. If the first word in the message contains an Ozeki Message Type identifier, the message will be converted to the appropriate type. This is useful for e-mail to SMS gateway configurations.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.8
Updated: 2009.05.06.

  1. New feature (GUI): very large message queues can be viewed in the message browser
  2. New feature (GUI): the server time is displazyed in the bottom of the message composer form
  3. Bug fix (Delivery report handling): Entries older then one week are deleted from the message reference table
  4. Bug fix (E-mail to SMS, SMTP): The built in SMTP server processes e-mail messages with empty subject line properly

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.7
Updated: 2009.04.29.

  1. Improvement (Delivery reports, CIMD2): The delivery report matching for CIMD2 connections was improved. The delivery reports are matched to the corresponding message regardless of the + sign in front of the telephone number.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.6
Updated: 2009.04.21.

  1. Improvement (Database user): Some browsers change the space character to non breakable space, which has resulted in a warning message (WARNING 2010) while the SQL templates were processed. The software was updated to handle this issue. The default behavior now, is that non breakable spaces are replaced to normal spaces before the SQL command is executed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.5
Updated: 2009.04.21.

  1. Improvement (Sonofon service provider connection): The delivery report feature was implemented. The delivery control, dc flag will be added to the XML of the submitted message if the delivery report feature is enabled on the "Identification" tab of the configuration form of the "Sonofon service provider connection".

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.4
Updated: 2009.04.20.

  1. Bug fix (Sonofon service provider connection): Some special Danish characters were not encoded properly. This bug is fixed.
  2. New feature (Built in SMTP server): The built in SMTP server can be configured to forward the e-mail subject, the e-mail body or both as SMS. In the previous versions both the subject and the body was forwarded.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.3
Updated: 2009.04.16.

  1. Improvement (Service monitor): A shortcut is added to the user startup folder to start the service monitor automatically when the user logs in
  2. Improvement (Service monitor): If the default port number of the GUI webserver is changed from 9501, in the "Edit/Server preferences" form, the "Manage/Configure" menu item of the service monitor will notice the change and will opten the configuration form with the new port number.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.2
Updated: 2009.04.15.

  1. New feature (GUI, Delivery report reference table view): The delivery report reference table can be viewed in the graphical user interface, this helps to see which envelopes have not been delivered yet. To view this table, a new menu item was added to the "View" menu. The name of this menu item is "Delivery report registry".
  2. Improvement (Delivery report matching): Some UCP/EMI providers use a slightly different number format in the delivery report, then the one that is used when the message is submitted. This incompatibility prevented delivery report matching in some cases. The software is updated to handle this issue.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.1
Updated: 2009.04.10.

  1. Bug fix (product activation): The last version (v3.12.0), had a bug related to product activation. This bug is now fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.12.0
Updated: 2009.04.08.

  1. New feature (Cluster): Ozeki NG SMS Gateway was improved to support execution in a cluster environment. The Ozeki NG cluster is operated by Microsoft Clustering Service (MSCS).
  2. New feature (SMS Sender ID): Multiple sender ID's can be specified on the user configuration form. If multiple sender ID's are entered Sender ID restriction will apply, to prevent the user from sending SMS messages with unwanted Sender ID.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.11.8
Updated: 2009.04.06.

  1. Improvement (GUI composer form): If you enter multiple values separated by a semicolon into the "Sender address" field of the user configuration form. The Sender ID field in the composer form will become a combo box instead of a text field.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.11.7
Updated: 2009.04.06.

  1. New feature (GUI, composer form): A custom sender ID can be specified in the message composer form on the Graphical User Interface. To enable the feature, the "overridable" checkbox needs to be checked. This checkbox can be found next to the the "Sender address:" field in the "Advanced tab" of the user configuration form.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.11.6
Updated: 2009.04.06.

  1. Bug fix (SMPP User): The $ sign in the GSM 7 bit character set for incoming SMPP connections (handled by the SMPP user) was not decoded correctly. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.11.5
Updated: 2009.04.06.

  1. Improvement (MM7 IP MMS Connection): Some MM7 service providers do not support Keepalive over HTTP. To ensure compatibility with these providers HTTP Keepalive was disabled for MM7 connections.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.11.4
Updated: 2009.04.03.

  1. Bug fix (HTTP client connection): Some HTTP keywords were not replaced in the HTTP request template. This bug effected keywords containing upper case characters. The bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.11.3
Updated: 2009.03.30.

  1. Improvement (CIMD2 connection): ISO character encoding option was added

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.11.2
Updated: 2009.03.26.

  1. New feature (Scheduled messages support): A new feature was added to allow the user to specify the date and time of when the message should be sent. In previous versions the messages were sent immediately after they have been accepted. Now it is possible to tell the software when to send the message(s).
  2. Improvement (Autoreply user): The default script has been changed to include STOP conditions
  3. Bug fix (File user): The file locking mechanism had a bug, that was fixed

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.11.1
Updated: 2009.03.11.

  1. Improvement (MMS/MM7 service provider connection): content-transfer encoding was improved for HTTP based MMS submission
  2. Improvement (MMS/MM1 service provider connection): content-transfer encoding was improved for GPRS MMS submission
  3. Improvement (MMS): message text is attached as a text file attachment to the MMS message to support all phones
  4. Improvement (SMPP service provider connection): The encoding of the EURO sign can be configured on the SMPP configuration form.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.11.0
Updated: 2009.03.07.

  1. Improvement (MM7 connection): For submitting MMS messages over MM7 connections, the content type field was changed in the MM7 request from multipart/mixed to multipart/related. This change improved compatibility with several MM7 providers.
  2. Improvement (Autoreply user): The STOP keyword can be added to the script file to stop matching in case a match was found
  3. Improvement (Http client user): The submit timeout can be specified in the configuration form. This allows you to increase the HTTP submit timeout. This feature was included to support HTTP content providers, that cannot generate content in a timely fashion. :)

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.10.7
Updated: 2009.02.20.

  1. New feature (Addressbook): All contacts can be deleted from a group
  2. Bug fix (Addressbook): When importing large number of contacts, some contacts were not saved.
  3. Improvement (Load balancing): Load balancing was improved in several ways. First it was modified to distribute messages between attached connctions even if one member of the attached connections would be able to handle the load. The batch size for distributing messages was optimized on a per protocol basis. For example on GSM modems the messages are distributed between connections on a per message basis, and on an SMPP connections in batches of 20 messages.
  4. New feature (RSS support): You can download the contents of a folder as an RSS feed
  5. New feature (SMPP, UCP, CIMD2): The soure port field on the configuration form accepts port ranges, not just single port values. Port ranges can be defined in the following format: 1000-2000

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.10.6
Updated: 2009.02.19.

  1. New feature (RSS support): You can download the contents of a folder as an RSS feed

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.10.5
Updated: 2009.02.19.

  1. New feature (SMPP, UCP, CIMD2): The soure port field on the configuration form accepts port ranges, not just single port values.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.10.4
Updated: 2009.02.18.

  1. Improvement (Load balancing): Load balancing was improved in several ways. First it was modified to distribute messages between attached connctions even if one member of the attached connections would be able to handle the load. The batch size for distributing messages was optimized on a per protocol basis. For example on GSM modems the messages are distributed between connections on a per message basis, and on an SMPP connections in batches of 20 messages.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.10.2
Updated: 2009.02.12.

  1. Bug fix (Client connectivity): When multiple messages were submitted from the Ozeki client, some of the messages were not delivered. This error happened in multiprocessor systems. The bug was caused by a random number generator, that was used to assign message IDs to the submitted messages. This random number generator did not generate unique id's on multiprocessor systems. This bug is not fixed.
  2. Improvement (Error code listing): The error codes are now listed in the help menu. Some of the error codes were modified to make the error code assignment consistent.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.10.1
Updated: 2009.02.09.

  1. Improvement (HTTP API): The DTD header was removed from the XML format, because it caused problems in some environments (e.g.: when HTTP clients were behind a firewall)
  2. Bug fix (C# API): The C# API was not working properly, because there was a bug related to backward compatibility checking in the gateway. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.10.0
Updated: 2009.02.03.

  1. Improvement (Engine, performance): The system performance was improved in multi-user environments
  2. New feature (UCP, CIMD2, SMPP): The communication speed can be limited in the service provider connection's configuration form. This enables the user to control communication speed on a per connection basis
  3. New feature (E-mail user): An option was added to the e-mail user to make it possible to delete filtered e-mail messages only in E-mail to SMS configurations.
  4. Improvement (Delivery report matching): Better logging was put in place to give more information about delivery report matching

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.9.10
Updated: 2009.01.24.

  1. Improvement (SQL user): Additional parameters, such as UCP xser field or xserappend field can be added to the SQL select statement. These parameters can be used in service provider connections, to send custom protocol values.
  2. Improvement (UCP service provider connection): If the xser and xserappend optional fields are set in the message, they are included in the UCP submit PDU.
  3. Improvement (GSM modem connection): A minor change was put in place to make MMS decoding more efficient.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.9.9
Updated: 2009.01.23.

  1. Bug fix (HTTP API): The action=mark parameter was not functioning properly when the contents of the Inbox were downloaded by HTTP clients.
  2. Improvement (MMS/MM1): The subject decoding feature used in MMS indication messages and MMS messages now support both UTF8 and undefined character sets.
  3. Improvement (Autoreply user): The KEYWORD field can be used in the phone number section of the autoreply script

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.9.8
Updated: 2009.01.14.

  1. Improvement (HTTP API): The HTTP API was improved, to make it possible to use it properly through NAT firewalls.
  2. Bug fix (HTTP API): If SMS application port numbers were specifed in the HTTP API, during message sending, the IEI tag was not set correctly in the user data header of the SMS message.
  3. Improvement (E-mail to SMS): POP3 download performance was improved
  4. Bug fix (E mail to SMS): When an SMS was sent, a delivery report e-mail was returned to the sender. In this e-mail the subject encoding had to be modified, because UTF 8 encoding was not supported by all e-mail clients.
  5. Improvement (Sonofon service provider connection): The Sonofon connection, now handles incoming messages through the built in HTTP Server of Ozeki NG.
  6. Improvement (GSM Modem): Some modems put spaces into the PDU's. These spaces are removed now before the PDU is parsed. This way the invalid PDU's can be processed properly.
  7. Bug fix (User interface / routing configuration): The user interface did not handle properly routing conditions, where the keyword contained a space
  8. Improvement (Autoreply user): Two new special words are available for the autoreply script: KEYWORD and AFTER
  9. Improvement (Autoreply Easy user): WAP Push messages can be sent as reply messages in the autoreply easy user.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.9.7
Updated: 2009.01.08.

  1. New feature (Sonofon Denmark service provider connection): The CPA HyDra API of Sonofon was implemented. This API makes it possible to connect to the IP SMS service provided by Sonofon in Denmark. The implementation covers text and binary SMS messages.
  2. New feature (routing, message modification): You can modify the sender address, the recipient address and the message text of messages on the fly, by applying regular expression replacement rules in the routing table entries. This feature was implemented for both outgoing and incoming messages. This new feature gives you a lot of flexibility in managing telephone numbers and message content. For example, you can append a text to all messages going through a certain route or you can add a prefix to a telephone number, etc.
  3. Improvement (USSD): The USSD functinoality is now two way. You can send USSD requests and receive USSD responses.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.9.6
Updated: 2008.12.30.

  1. Improvement (GSM modem connection): The USSD feature has been improved, to handle USSD responses. A new USSD method (AT+CUSD) was implemented. The Message Handling tab of the GSM Modem connection was modified, to make it possible to select which USSD method to use. The default USSD method became AT+CUSD instead of ATDT.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.9.5
Updated: 2008.12.29.

  1. Improvement (HTTP Client connection): A checkbox was added to the configuration form of the HTTP Client service provider connection, to make it possible to disable/enable urlencoding of the message data.
  2. Improvement (HTTP Server connection): The httpserver connection can accept several post parameters in the message data field

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.9.4
Updated: 2008.12.19.

  1. Improvement (MSN Messenger connection): This protocol implementation was updated to support changes in the Windows Live Messenger network. A new feature was added to make it possible to change the Display picture for the signed in MSN contact.
  2. Improvement (MM7 IP MMS connection): The MM7 protocol implementation was updated to support the MTN service provider in Yemen.
  3. Improvement (HTTP client connection): The URL provided in the HTTP client connection's configuration form, can be formatted according to the requirements of the Unicell service provider in Israel.
  4. Improvement (ParlayX connection): Binary SMS support was added to the ParlayX protocol implementation. This improvement was required for the service provider connectivity to T-Mobile in Croatia.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.9.3
Updated: 2008.12.17.

  1. Improvement (SMPP service provider connection): Message throughput can be limited by specifying the maximum allowed message per minute (MPM) ratio. This feature is necessary if your service provider cannot accept messages at a high rate.
  2. Improvement (HTTP API): Messages can be submitted to multiple telephone numbers. Telephone number should be separated by a semicolon
  3. New feature (T-Mobile Croatia, ParlayX): A new service provider connection type was implemented to support ParlayX connectivity to T-Mobile Croatia.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.9.2
Updated: 2008.12.10.

  1. Improvement (SMPP service provider connection): TLV Message payload field can be selected to carry message data instead of standard SM field.
  2. Improvement (SMPP service provider connection): Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR) feature can be disabled to carry long messages in a single SMPP PDU.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.9.1
Updated: 2008.12.04.

  1. Improvement (SMPP service provider connection): Option to configure at (@) sign encoding on the SMPP connection configuration form was added.
  2. Bug fix (E-mail to SMS): The built in E-mail server (SMTP server) had some bugs related to date time encoding, and character encoding, these were fixed
  3. Bug fix (HTTP API): Some special characters in the message data tag of the submit response XML were not encoded properly.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.9.0
Updated: 2008.12.02.

  1. Improvement (MMS support): The MM7 service provider connection was improved to support the Mobile Network Operator called Sabafon in Yemen.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.8.10
Updated: 2008.12.01.

  1. Buf fix (MM7 service provider connection): The encoding of the recipient telephone number was incorrect.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.8.9
Updated: 2008.12.01.

  1. Improvement (Parlay X): ParlayX connectivity was improved to support the Croatian service provider VIP. They use ParlayX v1.0. Previously, Parlayx 2.x was supported only in Ozeki NG. Of course this ParlayX protocol (v1.0) supports both sending and receiving just as well as the ParlayX protocol (v2.x) implementations in Ozeki NG.
  2. Improvement (Engine): New characters can be used in user names. These characters are: underscore, hyphen and pipe (_-|).

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.8.8
Updated: 2008.11.24.

  1. Bug fix (engine): The retry on send failure feature had a bug, that was fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.8.7
Updated: 2008.11.24.

  1. New feature (New service provider connection type): The Croatian mobile network operator called VIP, provides ParlayX v1.0 connectivity. This service provider connection option is included in this release.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.8.6
Updated: 2008.11.20.

  1. Improvement (Engine): The format of the message ID field has changed. The new message ID is a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID). This change gives significant advantages in systems where multiple instances of Ozeki NG SMS Gateway is installed. Important: if you are upgrading from an earlier version and you use SQL Logging and/or a system database, please increase the size of the message ID field to 60 in both the inbox and outbox database tables
  2. Bug fix (CIMD2 service provider connection): Some Danish characters were not encoded properly. This bug is fixed
  3. Improvement (SMPP Service provider connection): The do not convert plus sign to TON and NPI feature was added to the advanced tab of the SMPP service provider connection.
  4. Improvement (SQL User): If the database connection breaks, the software will save the SQL commands, that should have been executed into a text file. If the database connection comes back, the software will execute the SQL commands that were stored previously in the text file. This feature makes the software handle database connection failures properly.
  5. Improvement (GUI): Some of the forms were made smaller to fit into screen resolutions.
  6. Improvement (GUI/Addressbook): The known telephone numbers are looked up in the addressbook when the messages are displayed. If a match is found, the name of the contact person is displayed instead of the telephone number

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.8.5
Updated: 2008.11.19.

  1. Improvement (GUI): The ParlayX service provider configuration form has been improved to support smaller fonts.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.8.4
Updated: 2008.11.19.

  1. Improvement (Engine): The format of the message ID field has changed. The new message ID is a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID). This change gives significant advantages in systems where multiple instances of Ozeki NG SMS Gateway is installed. Important: if you use SQL Logging, please increase the size of the message ID field to 60 in both the inbox and outbox database tables

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.8.3
Updated: 2008.11.19.

  1. Bug fix (SQL User): A minor bug was fixed. The log file had some invalid log entries.
  2. Improvement (SMPP User): Minor change. The do not convert plus sign to TON and NPI feature was added to the advanced tab of the SMPP User.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.8.2
Updated: 2008.11.13.

  1. Improvement (SQL Logging): Two new keywords can be used in the Accepted for delivery SQL template of the SQL logging feature: $optional_SMPPID_ and $optional_SMPPClientIP_. These keywords are useful if you log SMPP traffic. The first keyword can be used to log the SMPP ID returned to the SMPP client when the messages was submitted. The second keyword can be used to log the IP address of the SMPP client, that submitted the message.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.8.1
Updated: 2008.11.13.

  1. Improvement (SQL User): If the database connection breaks, the software will save the SQL commands, that should have been executed into a text file. If the database connection comes back, the software will execute the SQL commands that were stored previously in the text file. This feature makes the software handle database connection failures properly.
  2. Improvement (Addressbook): The known telephone numbers are looked up in the addressbook when the messages are displayed. If a match is found, the name of the contact person is displayed instead of the telephone number.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.8.0
Updated: 2008.11.11.

  1. Improvements (Graphical user interface): Optimization for smaller screen resolutions, simplified server preferences form,
  2. New feature (Graphical user interface): The secure HTTPS protocol can be used to configure the software and to access the HTTP API. (Please note, that a server side certificate should be configured for the specified HTTPS port, to make this functionality work. More information is available at:
  3. New feature (Graphical user interface): The server load can be monitored. A new menu item is added to the View menu. Thanks to this feature it is easy to see how the system resources are distributed among the different users.
  4. Improvement (Engine): Improved memory consumption for high volume messaging systems.
  5. New feature (Engine): a database server can be used as the system database to store message queues. In previous versions, message queues were stored in the file system. Storing the message queues in a database server gives us the opportunity to take the advantage today's database servers provide in performance tuning (raid disks, partitioned table spaces, etc). This is a great improvement for high capacity systems.
  6. Bug fix (Engine): The random number generator did not generate a random message ID in some parallel processing situations.
  7. New feature (O2 M2M service provider connection): The Aggregation feature was implemented in the O2 M2M service provider connection to achieve greater speed.
  8. Improvement (O2 M2M service provider connection): The delivery report request level can be specified on the configuration form.
  9. Improvement (O2 M2M service provider connection): The connection limit parameter has been increased on the HTTP service point object, to allow multiple O2 service provider connections.
  10. Improvement (O2 M2M service provider connection): support for absolute validity periods
  11. Bug fix (SMPP service provider connection): The TON encoding for the alphanumeric sender address is fixed
  12. Improvement (SMPP service provider connection): Custom error codes (that are not in the official SMPP specification) returned on SMPP bind requests are now reported in the log.
  13. Bug fix (SMPP service provider connection): Messages stored in the inbox were not forwarded to the SMPP client if the SMPP client logged in after the messages were received.
  14. Improvement (GSM modem connection): The reconnect after error feature was improved to perform a reconnect only after 5 consecutive errors.
  15. Improvement (SMPP user): The message reference field, returned on message submissions and used in delivery reports became smaller, to make it fit into a ulong integer. This way Ozeki NG is compatible with more SMPP clients.
  16. Improvement (SMPP User): better data coding scheme decoding to support special GSM features
  17. Improvement (SMPP user): Status information provided in TLV fields in case of SMS submission error are now reported into the log.
  18. Bug fix (SMPP user): After an SMPP user has logged out, the socket remained in a CLOSE_WAIT state. Some cleanup had to be done.
  19. Improvement (HTTP API): The _charset_ variable was introduced to let the HTTP user specify the character set encoding he wants to use during the HTTP SMS submission.
  20. Improvement (SMPP user): The message ID can be defined by the SMPP user during message submissions. If the TLV field 1400 contains a string value, the string value will be used as the message ID.
  21. New feature (MM7 service provider connection): The MM7 protocol was added to support MMS submissions over HTTP or HTTPS according to the 3GPP MM7 specification.
  22. Improvement (SQL Logging): You can configure the SQL Logging feature in the software to write the SQL commands into a text file instead of executing them on the database. This is necessary for high performance systems, because database servers can have a hard time executing several hundreds of SQL statemetns per second.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.18
Updated: 2008.11.05.

  1. New feature (SQL Logging): You can configure the SQL Logging feature in the software to write the SQL commands into a text file instead of executing them on the database. This is necessary for high performance systems, because database servers can have a hard time executing several hundreds of SQL statemetns per second.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.17
Updated: 2008.11.04.

  1. Improvement (O2M2M service provider connection): The aggregation requests was improved.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.16
Updated: 2008.11.04.

  1. Improvement (O2M2M service provider connection): The from id field in the aggregation requests was extended with a GUID to guarantee uniqueness.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.15
Updated: 2008.11.03.

  1. Bug fix (SMPP service provider connection): Messages stored in the inbox were not forwarded to the SMPP client if the SMPP client logged in after the messages were received.
  2. Bug fix (Engine): The random number generator did not generate a random message ID in some parallel processing situations.
  3. Improvement (SMPP user): The message ID can be defined by the SMPP user during message submissions. If the TLV field 1400 contains a string value, the string value will be used as the message ID.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.14
Updated: 2008.11.03.

  1. New feature (MM7 service provider connection): The MM7 protocol was added to support MMS submissions over HTTP or HTTPS according to the 3GPP MM7 specification.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.13
Updated: 2008.11.03.

  1. Improvement (HTTP API): The _charset_ variable was introduced to let the HTTP user specify the character set encoding he wants to use during the HTTP SMS submission.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.12
Updated: 2008.10.31.

  1. New feature (O2 M2M service provider connection): support for absolute validity periods

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.11
Updated: 2008.10.30.

  1. Improvement (O2 M2M service provider connection): The delivery report request level can be specified on the configuration form.
  2. Improvement (O2 M2M service provider connection): The connection limit parameter has been increased on the HTTP service point object, to allow multiple O2 service provider connections.
  3. Improvement (SMPP service provider connection): Custom error codes (that are not in the official SMPP specification) returned on SMPP bind requests are now reported in the log.
  4. Bug fix (SMPP user): After an SMPP user has logged out, the socket remained in a CLOSE_WAIT state. Some cleanup had to be done.
  5. Improvement (SMPP user): Status information provided in TLV fields in case of SMS submission error are now reported into the log.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.10
Updated: 2008.10.28.

  1. Improvement (SMPP User): better data coding scheme decoding to support special GSM features

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.9
Updated: 2008.10.27.

  1. Improvement (SMPP user): The message reference field, returned on message submissions and used in delivery reports became smaller, to make it fit into a ulong integer. This way Ozeki NG is compatible with more SMPP clients.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.8
Updated: 2008.10.27.

  1. Bug fix (SMPP service provider connection): The TON encoding for the alphanumeric sender address is fixed
  2. Improvement (GSM modem connection): The reconnect after error feature was improved to perform a reconnect only after 5 consecutive errors.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.7
Updated: 2008.10.26.

  1. New feature (O2 M2M): The Aggregation feature was implemented in the O2 M2M service provider connection to achieve greater speed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.4
Updated: 2008.10.25.

  1. Improvement (Engine): Optimized memory queue management

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.3
Updated: 2008.10.22.

  1. Improvement (engine): improved memory consumption for high volume messaging systems.
  2. Improvement (GUI): simplified server preferences form.
  3. New feature (engine): a database server can be used as the system database to store message queues. In previous versions, message queues were stored in the file system. Storing the message queues in a database server gives us the opportunity to take the advantage today's database servers provide in performance tuning (raid disks, partitioned table spaces, etc). This is a great improvement for high capacity systems.
  4. New feature (GUI): The secure HTTPS protocol can be used to configure the software and to access the HTTP API. (Please note, that a server side certificate should be configured for the specified HTTPS port, to make this functionality work. More information is available at:
  5. New feature (GUI): The server load can be monitored. A new menu item is added to the View menu. Thanks to this feature it is easy to see how the system resources are distributed among the different users.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.1
Updated: 2008.10.13.

  1. New feature: Native Oracle connection option is now available in the database user to support Oracle SQL to SMS gateway configuration in high capacity systems.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.7.0
Updated: 2008.10.10.

  1. New feature: The O2 M2M protocol was added to support the O2/Eurotel M2M service provider connection
  2. New feature: SMTP (E-mail to SMS) service provider connection was added. This makes it possible to connect the software to e-mail to SMS gateways offered by GSM network providers.
  3. New feature: MMS:BARCODE:EAN13 message type was added.This message is sent as an MMS.
  4. Improvement (Installer): The Installer was improved to support installation on Windows 2003 R2 SP2
  5. Improvement (SMPP user): SMPP v3.3 connections are accepted with independent transmitter and receiver connections. (previously SMPP v3.4 was supported only)
  6. Improvement (MMS sending and receiving): MMS status reports are displayed in human readable format in the log
  7. Improvement (Binary message types): Incoming binary messages are displayed in human readable format in the log
  8. Bug fix (SQL logging, reporting): The reporting interface was not working if a password was specified on MySQL database connections. This bug is fixed
  9. Bug fix (Addressbook): All contacts can be selected
  10. Bug fix (MMS encoding): On some networks, the MMSC returned a character sequence that was not decoded properly, causing the software to go into a loop.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.6.5
Updated: 2008.10.01.

  1. New feature: SMTP (E-mail to SMS) service provider connection was added
  2. New feature: MMS:BARCODE:EAN13 message type was added
  3. Bug fix (Addressbook): All contacts can be selected
  4. Bug fix (MMS encoding): On some networks, the MMSC returned a character sequence that was not decoded properly, causing the software to go into a loop.
  5. Improvement (Installer): The Installer was improved to support installation on Windows 2003 R2 SP2

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.6.4
Updated: 2008.09.22.

  1. Improvement (Wap push SL messagetype): The XML parsing of this message type has been improved to support spaces, new line charcters and special characters in unexpected places.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.6.3
Updated: 2008.09.18.

  1. Workaround (SMPP connection): The Bharti SMPP provider in India uses incorrect delivery report format. We have added a workaround to support their service too.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.6.2
Updated: 2008.09.16.

  1. New feature (HTTP Client connection): The $dbid keyword can be used in the URL
  2. New feature (HTTP Client connection): Backup routing takes over if the message cannot be sent due to DNS resolution problems
  3. Bug fix (HTTP Client connection): VCard and VCalender messages can be sent on HTTP connections. In previous versions this was not possible because of a bug.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.6.1
Updated: 2008.09.15.

  1. Bug fix (SMTP Server): The built in e-mail server did not parse all telephone numbers properly.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.6.0
Updated: 2008.09.14.

  1. Improvement (GSM Modem connection): imporved MMS Download, PIN code management, GSM network registration, Huawei modem support
  2. Improvement (SMPP connection): delivery reports with BUFFERED status and error code are now handled as a report indicating failed delivery
  3. Improvement (WAP Push message type): long URLs are supported
  4. Improvement (Graphical user interface): optimized for smaller screen resolutions
  5. New feature (Autoreply user): response limit to avoid loopbacks described at
  6. New feature (File user): csv file format was added
  7. New feature (HTTP server user): The HTTP Server user was added to better support users and applications connecting to the system through the HTTP API. If the HTTP Server user is used instead of the standard user, status information, such as deliveredtonetwork, deliveredtohandset, etc. about messages that have been sent will be returned in HTTP callbacks to the specified URL.
  8. New feature (Excel client): Vcard and Vcalendar support
  9. Bug fix (SMPP connection): The decoding of the @ sign for incoming SMS messages was not working properly in the SMPP service provider connection in some cases (if the encoding was specified as GSM7bit and the at sign was not sent as 00).

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.5.10
Updated: 2008.09.05.

  1. Improvement (GSM Modem connection): MMS download have been improved on GPRS connections using the MM1 protocol.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.5.7
Updated: 2008.09.05.

  1. New feature (Autoreply user): Response limit can be specified on the Advanced tab of the autoreply user's configuration form to prevent endless loops. Endless loops can occur if two autoresponding applications start to communicate on the GSM network. More information about this scenario is available at
  2. New feature (File user): CSV file format was added to support Microsoft Excel
  3. New feature (Excel client): VCard messages can be sent from Microsoft Excel

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.5.5
Updated: 2008.09.02.

  1. New feature: PIN code management in the GSM modem connection
  2. Improvement: MMS indication decoding was improved

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.5.4
Updated: 2008.08.26.

  1. GSM Modem connection: Better support for Huawei modems
  2. SMPP connection: The delivery report with BUFFERD status and error code is now handled as a report indicating failed delivery
  3. Graphical user interface: optimized for small screen resolutions
  4. WAP Push: long URL-s are supported

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.5.3
Updated: 2008.08.05.

  1. New feature: The HTTP Server user was added to better support users and applications connecting to the system through the HTTP API. If the HTTP Server user is used, status information, such as deliveredtonetwork, deliveredtohandset, etc. about messages that have been sent will be returned in HTTP callbacks to the specified URL. For more information check the SMS HTTP API specification

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.5.2
Updated: 2008.07.28.

  1. Bug fix (SMPP connection): The decoding of the @ sign for incoming SMS messages was not working properly in the SMPP service provider connection in some cases (if the encoding was specified as GSM7bit and the at sign was not sent as 00).
  2. Improvement (SMPP clients): The software now does not allow more then one SMPP client to connect with the same username. This feature was added to improve performance and to simplify routing.
  3. Improvement (GSM modem connection): If a message submission fails, the software checks the GSM network registration status, to know if there is GSM network coverage. If there is no network coverage it puts the driver to offline status and tries to reconnect to the GSM network periodically.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.5.0
Updated: 2008.07.22.

  1. New feature (Backup routing). Backup routes can be setup in the outbound routing table. If a message cannot be sent through a route specified by the user it will be sent through the backup route.
  2. Improvement (Autoreply user): Interactive login has been added to the autoreply user to make it possible to setup SMS newsgroups.
  3. Improvement (Autoreply user): Group names and contact names from the addressbook can be used in the autoreply user as recipient addresses.
  4. Improvement (SQL user): If a query execution fails, Ozeki NG and disconnect and reconnect to the database and will try to execute the query again. This feature was added to improve reliability on unreliable database connections (e.g.: if the database is in a different location on the Internet, the connection can seamlessly fail).
  5. Improvement (HTTP Client connection): The HTTP submit timeout can be configured on the "General tab" of the HTTP client service provider connection configuration form.
  6. Improvement (SMPP connection): A workaround was added to support Wataniya Telecom SMPP service. Their SMPP service does not return delivery reports in a standard way.
  7. Improvement (Security): Password encryption was improved. The user interface logs out the user after the browser window is closed.
  8. Bug fix (GSM modem connection): On some GSM modems if an SMS was received with empty text the message was not processed by the SMS gateway.
  9. Bug fix (Web interface, Windows 2000): The graphical user interface on Windows 2000 installations was not working properly in all cases. On some systems the pictures were not displayed properly.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.4.11
Updated: 2008.07.18.

  1. Improvement: The autoreply user has been improved to allow interactive login.
  2. Improvement: The autoreply user accepts group names (from the addressbook) in the autoreply script. This makes it possible to setup SMS news groups quickly. More information is available at

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.4.10
Updated: 2008.07.06.

  1. Minor improvement on SMPP service provider connections. Wataniya Telecom SMPP service returned delivery reports in an non-standard way (they put a space between the id section and the actual id value). Ozeki NG was modified to work around this issue.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.4.9
Updated: 2008.07.01.

  1. Improvements in the SQL user: If an SQL query execution fails, Ozeki NG will disconnect and reconnect to the database and will try to execute the query again. This feature was added to improve reliability on unreliable database connections (e.g.: if the database is in a different location on the Internet, the connection can seamlessly fail).

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.4.8
Updated: 2008.07.01.

  1. Improved security. The user interface logs out the user after the browser window is closed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.4.7
Updated: 2008.06.30.

  1. Improved error handling in GSM modem connections: Some modems stop responding after a while. This is a hardware error. A feature was added to try to reset these modems in case of error, and if a message could not be send because of no response, the software will try to resend the message again.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.4.6
Updated: 2008.06.27.

  1. New feature: Reporting, to query information saved in the SQL logging database.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.4.5
Updated: 2008.06.26.

  1. Bug fix: The route costs were not working properly for backup routes, this caused a problem in accounting. This bug was fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.4.4
Updated: 2008.06.25.

  1. New feature: SMPP service provider connection, Segmentation/Reassembly support was improved to handle segmentation method specified in SMPP v5.0 with TLV and 16 bit reference numbering.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.4.3
Updated: 2008.06.25.

  1. New feature: Service provider connection failures are recorded into the windows event log
  2. Bug fix: In the SQL logging functionality the delivered to network time and delivered to handset time was not recorded properly on all service provider connection types. This bug is fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.4.2
Updated: 2008.06.18.

  1. New feature: Backup routing
  2. Improved HTTP Client service provider connection
  3. Improved GSM Modem service provider connection (better autodetection, better timeout handling)
  4. Improved SQL logging
  5. Windows XP Service Pack 3 support

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.3.3
Updated: 2008.05.13.

  1. New feature: MMS messages can be received on GPRS modems using the MM1 protocol
  2. New feature: custom character encoding can be selected for the File user. (UTF8, UTF32, Iso8s59-1, etc...)
  3. New feature: A contact list can be imported into the addressbook from a csv file

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.3.2
Updated: 2008.05.04.

  1. New feature: MSN Messenger Connection
  2. Improvements in the Autoreply Database User
  3. Improvements in the Autoreply Easy User
  4. Improvements in the Addressbook

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.3.0
Updated: 2008.04.21.

  1. Improvements in the addressbok

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.2.3
Updated: 2008.04.14.

  1. New feature: Addressbook
  2. SMPP service provider connection: greek character set support
  3. AOL messenger service provider connection: improved routing
  4. HTTP client service provider connection: The charset used for URL encoding can be sepecified on the configuration form.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.1.1
Updated: 2008.03.27.

  1. A bug was fixed related to the creation of new users.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.1.0
Updated: 2008.03.25.

  1. The UCP connection now supports the IA5 A0 character set
  2. The GSM Modem connection now supports HUAWEI modems
  3. AOL Instant Messenger support is added

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.0.1
Updated: 2008.02.19.

  1. The built in HTTP server now provides HTTP SMS API v2.
  2. The built in SMPP server has been improved. (Details: The message ID is now decimal to support older SMPP clients. SMPP Client link failures are handled better, messages that arrive while a client connection is broken are pushed to the client as soon it connects back again instead of treating it undeliveriable.)
  3. The HTTP client user has been improved. (Details: More detailed error reporting is in place.)
  4. The SQL autoreply feature has been improved. (Details: Multiple statements can return replies. New keywords can be used in SQL commands.)
  5. The SQL logging feature has been improved. (Details: Now you can decide wether you want to log an incoming message as one entry only or as a set of individual enteries for each user who received the message)
  6. Improvements in system resource management. (Details: Messages that were forwarded to a client, or that were processed by an application are removed from the system immediately after successful processing. Clients that are idle for more then 5 minutes are kicked out from the system to save resources.)

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.0.0
Updated: 2008.01.22.

  1. ASP support was added to allow you to process incoming messages with ASP/ASP.NET scripts. The scripts can also send response SMS messages
  2. MMS support was addedd to allow you to send text, picture, audio and video content to mobile phones through a standard GPRS capable GSM modem.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.6.1
Updated: 2008.01.09.

  1. The HTTP Client user was improved. The following features were added: The HTTP Client user can download a webpage periodically for outgoing SMS messages. It can update a web application through HTTP about the state of outgoing SMS messages.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.6.0
Updated: 2008.01.06.

  1. An SMTP server was built into the gateway to allow e-mail to SMS forwarding
  2. A POP3 server was built into the gateway to allow the downloading of SMS messages as if they were e-mail messages
  3. The Autoreply Database user was added, to make it easy to create autoresponding applications that use data stored in a database
  4. A simple voting application was added

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.5.4
Updated: 2007.12.19.

  1. GSM Modem service provider connection: support for older GSM modems, support for slow GSM modems.
  2. SMPP driver service provider connection: new delivery report status (FAILED) is handled

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.5.3
Updated: 2007.12.05.

  1. The HTTP API has been improved

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.5.2
Updated: 2007.11.28.

  1. The C# API has been improved, to support delivery reports
  2. The delivery report matching for SMPP connections have been improved

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.5.1
Updated: 2007.11.20.

  1. Improved SQL Reporting
  2. Support for the new Ozeki SMS Client: Downloadable addressbook, Downloadable message templates, Delivered to network, Delivered to handset and Delivery failed reports.
  3. Support for the new Outlook SMS Client: Delivered to network, Delivered to handset and Delivery failed reports

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.5.0
Updated: 2007.11.05.

  1. Support for Outlook SMS Client

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.4.4
Updated: 2007.10.25.

  1. ParlayX v2.0 service provider connectivity was implemented
  2. ParlayX v2.1 service provider connectivity was implemented
  3. ParlayX v2.2 service provider connectivity was implemented
  4. Delivery report handling in the SMPP driver was improved to support hexadecimal message references
  5. USSD support was added to the GSM Modem driver

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.4.3
Updated: 2007.10.16.

  1. User File: The file user has been improved to allow manual selection of file formats
  2. User SQL: The SQL user has been improved. Now you manually specify the maximum number of records read in an SQL SELECT poll.
  3. User ParlayX: The ParlayX API has been added on the user side, applications can use the built in ParlayX webservice to send messages.
  4. Engine: The server can be configured to resend failed messages.
  5. Engine: The server preferences form has been changed, to make it possible to define the send retry count.
  6. Service provider UCP: The UCP service provider connection has been improved. Now you can include the username in OT51
  7. Service provider ParlayX: The ParlayX service provider connection has been added. It supports sending messages only at the moment. ParlayX security: Simple Http Binding and secure WS Http Binding are supported.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.4.2
Updated: 2007.09.28.

  1. The Appstarter user was added. This new feature makes it possible to launch a command line application when a message arrives. A good option to use SMS messages to initiate system processes.
  2. The HttpClient user was improved. Now you can use the $operator keyword in the http request to provide information about on which service provider connection did the message arrive
  3. The AutoreplyEasy user was improved. You can use the $MSG and $SENDER keyword in the response SMS message

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.4.1
Updated: 2007.09.26.

  1. C# SMS API was improved to support keepalive for clients with long lifetime
  2. The product activation / registration feature was updated
  3. HTML GUI has been improved to display the product version in the title bar
  4. CIMD2 checksum calculation bug has been fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.4.0
Updated: 2007.09.17.

  1. Transition to .NET Framework 3.0
  2. The SMPP service provider connection implementation strips leading zeros from message references to enable better delivery report matching
  3. The SMPP service provider connection implementation can send unicode FLASH SMS messages
  4. The CIMD2 service provider connection implementation logs the communication in hexadecimal representation
  5. The remaining time for use in the trial version is displayed
  6. The HTTPClient user was improved
  7. The HTTPClient service provider connection was improved to be able to pass Ozeki user information to the service provider

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.3.0
Updated: 2007.09.06.

  1. The user account permissions have been improved on the HTTP user interface. Standard users cannot do configuration.
  2. The delivery report handling has been improved. Delivery in progress and undelivered delivery reports returned on SMPP connections are handled better.
  3. The CIMD2 driver has been improved to support PANNON SHIFT character encoding
  4. Flash SMS support has been improved to support older SMPP protocol versions.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.2.6
Updated: 2007.08.28.

  1. DCS based message class support is added to provide better support for FLASH messages.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.2.5
Updated: 2007.08.22.

  1. The .NET remoting API has been improved to support asynchronous events.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.2.4
Updated: 2007.08.21.

  1. The .NET remoting API has been added, that allows native C#.NET, VB.NET and other applications to connect directly to the service. Thanks to .NET this connection can be made locally or over the network. The .NET remoting API is based on HTTP and provides an excellent option for C# and VB developers to add SMS functionality into their applications.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.2.3
Updated: 2007.08.10.

  1. The SQL user was modified. The SQL Select and SQL Update statements were changed to use different resources to support older ODBC drivers.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.2.2
Updated: 2007.08.07.

  1. New feature: Service Type paramater can be modified for SMPP service provider.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.2.1
Updated: 2007.08.06.

  1. New feature: SMPP service provider can handle ESM class independently of delivery reports.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.2.0
Updated: 2007.08.03.

  1. Major Performance improvement (WARNING: previous persistent message queues will be lost).
  2. File user fix for incoming SMS messages.
  3. Registration for Windows 2000 and NT is now available.
  4. GSM Modem timeout handling improved.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.1.1
Updated: 2007.07.13.

  1. SMPP charset handling was rewritten.
  2. SMPP connection handling improved.
  3. Delivery report support added to SQL Logger.
  4. Email user can handle text/html messages.
  5. Introduced system charset field for sending SMS via Excel.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.1.0
Updated: 2007.07.05.

  1. New feature: Accounting / Credit limits (daily, weekly, montly, yearly and all time)
  2. New feature: Accounting / Summary reports
  3. New feature: Accounting / Detailed traffic report
  4. New feature: Accounting / Route based costs
  1. Improvement: Applications and Users / Improved charset detection for outgoing messages
  2. New feature: Applications and Users / Routing override: It became possible to give permission to a user to override the routing table
  3. New feature: Applications and Users / User based sender address assignment
  4. New feature: Applications and Users / User connect and disconnect option: Allows you to disable or enable a user
  1. Improvement: Graphical User Interface / Correct DPI is used for configuration form resizing
  2. Improvement: Graphical User Interface / Message composer form uses UTF-8 encoding
  1. Improvement: Connectivity / SMPP fail tolerance is improved
  1. New feature: E-mail - SMS / Standard POP3 support
  2. New feature: E-mail - SMS / Standard SMTP support
  3. New feature: E-mail - SMS / SSL based POP3 support
  4. New feature: E-mail - SMS / SSL based SMTP support
  5. New feature: E-mail - SMS / Support for Gmail POP3 service
  6. New feature: E-mail - SMS / Support for Yahoo POP3 service
  7. New feature: E-mail - SMS / Delivery to network report
  8. New feature: E-mail - SMS / Delivery to handset report
  9. New feature: E-mail - SMS / Delivery failure report
  10. New feature: E-mail - SMS / Keyword based filtering
  11. New feature: E-mail - SMS / MIME Multipart E-mail support
  12. New feature: E-mail - SMS / MIME Multipart (Recursive) E-mail support
  13. Improvement: E-mail - SMS / Detailed POP3 communication logging
  1. New feature: Engine / Service monitor task bar icon was added

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.18
Updated: 2007.05.24.

  1. Critical fix to v2.0.17 included, please update from that version.
  2. HttpAPI url decode improved (now using Default encoding).

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.17
Updated: 2007.05.22.

  1. Added support for Windows 2000.
  2. Advanced message tracking and history logging has been added.
  3. Improved compose page with message history updates.
  4. Added ability to choose between different charsets in GSM Modem connection.
  5. Enhanced flow control has been introduced to SMPP service provider connection.
  6. Management menu has been expanded and sorted user queues has been introduced.
  7. Persistent message queues will be no longer erased on software updates.
  8. SQL prompt added for SQL user.
  9. Outgoing routing has been improved.
  10. Minor CIMD2 service provider connection improvements.
  11. Delivery report handling has been improved.
  12. Added support for unknown number format for SMPP connections.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.16
Updated: 2007.05.04.

  1. A more advanced decoding method has been added for GSM Modem, SMPP, UCP, CIMD2 service provider connections, supporting multipart and UCS2 SMSs.
  2. GSM modem alphanumeric address support has been added.
  3. The SQL, File, E-mail user polling performance has been improved.
  4. The SQL user memory handling has been enhanced.
  5. The GSM modem connection delivery report has been fixed in CMT mode.
  6. New message type: formatted text.
  7. Minor UCP service provider connection improvements have been made.
  8. A more advanced log rotation has been added for easier debugging.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.15
Updated: 2007.04.23.

  1. Detailed logging in the email user has been added.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.14
Updated: 2007.04.18.

  1. Engine: outdated messages can be automatically deleted.
  2. Engine: the delivery report routing has been improved.
  3. Engine: messages are kept in the inbox queue after processing.
  4. Engine: the SQL logging option has been added.
  5. New message type: voice mail indication.
  6. New message type: fax indication.
  7. New message type: e-mail indication.
  8. New message type: video message indication
  9. New message type: combined message indication.
  10. New message type: binary SMS message (XML format).
  11. GSM modem service provider connection: automatic modem detection.
  12. GSM modem service provider connection: Possible conflict between preconfigured and SIM-based SMSC settings are handled.
  13. UCP service provider connection: TCP connection method improved. (A workaround has been added to handle invalid reverse dns settings of some SMSCs.)
  14. CIMD2 service provider connection: the TCP connection method has ben improved. (A workaround has been added to handle invalid reverse dns settings of some SMSCs.)
  15. SMPP service provider connection: the TCP connection method has been improved. (A workaround has been added to handle invalid reverse dns settings of some SMSCs.)
  16. SMPP service provider connection: better delivery report management.
  17. E-mail user: an option has been added to leave messages on the POP3 server, and to only send SMS-based on new messages.
  18. E-mail user: downloaded e-mail messages can be filtered based on the sender e-mail address, the receiver e-mail address or a word in the e-mail subject line.
  19. E-mail user: more than one telephone number can be specified in the config form. Telephone numbers can be separated by a colon or semicolon.
  20. E-mail user: outgoing and incoming e-mail messages have been made compatible.
  21. SMPP User: binary SMS messages are supported.
  22. Database user: the SQL update on delivery reports has been extended to support reason codes and timestamps.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.13
Updated: 2007.04.06.

  1. The system stability has been improved.
  2. UCS2 support has been added for CIMD2 and UCP.
  3. Capability of SMS message logging into database has been added.
  4. The message management has been improved.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.12
Updated: 2007.04.03.

  1. The CIMD2 protocol has been improved.
  2. The WMI service dependency has been removed.
  3. The HTTP API communication logging has been added.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.11
Updated: 2007.04.02.

  1. The advanced message management has been added.
  2. The CIMD2 protocol has been improved.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.10
Updated: 2007.03.29.

  1. The e-mail-based product activation has been added.
  2. The WAP PUSH message type has been added.
  3. The WAP OTA Bookmark message type has been added.
  4. The WAP OTA GPRS browser settings message type has been added.
  5. The WAP OTA GSM/CSD browser settings message type has been added.
  6. The WAP OTA GSM/SMS browser settings message type has been added.
  7. The WAP OTA GSM/USSD browser settings message type has been added.
  8. The WAP OTA IS-136/CSD browser settings message type has been added.
  9. The system startup procedure has been modified.
  10. Persistent message queue support has been added.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.9
Updated: 2007.03.22.

  1. The CIMD2 Service Provider connection has been improved.
  2. The UCP2 Service Provider connection has been improved.
  3. The database user configuration form had some bugs, which have been fixed.
  4. The multipart message sequencing and reassembly functionality has been updated.
  5. Source port settings are now possible in the UCP, CIMD2 and SMPP protocols.
  6. The WAP bookmark message type has been added.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.8
Updated: 2007.03.19.

  1. CIMD2 support has been added.
  2. The UCP service provider connection communication has been improved.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.7
Updated: 2007.03.09.

  1. The delivery report handling has been implemented.
  2. The SMPP service provider connection has been improved.
  3. The UCP service provider connection flow control has been improved.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.6
Updated: 2007.03.07.

  1. UCP support has been added
  2. The GSM modem service provider connection has been updated.
  3. The product activation procedure has been improved.
  4. The SMPP service provider connection has been improved.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.5
Updated: 2007.02.28.

  1. The GSM Modem service provider connection has been improved. (Multipart SMS message support, USB port detection.)

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.4
Updated: 2007.02.21.

  1. A bug in the SMPP SMSC connection has been fixed. (The last character in the message was truncated.)
  2. The SMPP SMSC connection has been improved to support message class settings (Flash SMS, Class1, Class2, Class3)
  3. Unicode character support has been added to the SMPP service provider connection for incoming and outgoing messages.
  4. The HTTP client had a bug, which has been fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.3
Updated: 2007.02.20.

  1. The AJAX-based GUI has been updated.
  2. The E-mail User has been added.
  3. The GSM Modem SP Connection (sending only) has been added.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.2
Updated: 2007.02.04.

  1. The SMPP enquire link command has been upgraded to handle two-way queries.
  2. WAP PUSH support has been added.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.1
Updated: 2007.02.02.

  1. Colour SMS application support has been added.
  2. HTTP Client application support has been added.
  3. The simplified AutoReply user has been added.
  4. The SMPP service provider connection has been improved.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v2.0.0
Updated: 2007.01.23.

  1. This is the first .NET version of the software
  2. This is a preview release, which does not contain every functionality.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway
Updated: 2006.10.27.

  1. The Submittimeout action typo error has been fixed in the SMSC configuration section.
  2. The delivery report keyword replacement has been improved in the database user section.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway
Updated: 2006.10.26.

  1. The delivery report routing has been improved.
  2. Additional parameters have been added to the configuration file to manage network timeouts.
  3. Additional parameters have been added to the configuration file to manage UCP delivery reports.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway
Updated: 2006.09.15.

  1. Line breaks are now allowed in the configuration file.
  2. The receiver option is now available in the SMPP SMSC interface.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway
Updated: 2006.08.24.

  1. The submit response timeout feature has been implemented. If no response is received from the SMSC on a live connection to a given message, a connection reset will be performed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway
Updated: 2006.08.24.

  1. Broken TCP connections are now handled better.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway
Updated: 2006.08.21.

  1. The UCP link management has been improved to provide better recovery from link failures.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway
Updated: 2006.08.20.

  1. The SMPP user interface had some bugs, which have been fixed.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway
Updated: 2006.08.18.

  1. The SMSC link management has been improved to handle link failures.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway
Updated: 2006.08.01.

  1. The routing of incoming delivery reports has been implemented. This routing is different from the default inbound routing procedure. The incoming delivery reports and status notifications are routed to the user who sent the message that the report refers to.
  2. The SMPP user option has been added. This means that users can connect to the gateway using SMPP clients. This feature makes it possible to use the software as a protocol converter to convert between SMPP and UCP SMSC connections.