Product Activation

This page explains how to activate the 3D Printer software to start using it for printing. If you have bought the 3D - Debrecen printer you already have recieved the activation code. Please activate it on the machine you will connect the printer to. The software can be activated on 1 machine and you can change machines 4 times. The trial period lasts for 10 days.

The download URL of 3D Printer is

For information about the installation of the software, check out the
Installation guide Installation Guide

Step 1 - Logging into 3D Printer

Let us start the activation procedure. First you need to start 3D Printer from your desktop by logging in to it (Figure 1).

Login page

Figure 1 - Login page

Step 2 - Opening 'Product activation' page

To start the activation procedure, select the 'Activation' item in the 'Help' menu to open the 'Product activation' page (Figure 2).

Product activation page

Figure 2 - Opening the 'Product activation' page

Step 3 - Activation

On the 'Product activation' page you can choose between 'Internet' or 'Manual' activation.

'Internet' activation is easier than 'Manual' activation. Both methods need internet connection. 'Internet' activation is explained on this page. To read the manual activation, go to this page.

'Internet' activation

It is really simple. You just need to type your serial number into the required field, choose 'Internet' activation and click the 'Activate' button (Figure 3).

internet activation

Figure 3 - Selecting 'Internet' activation on the 'Product activation' page

Congratulations! You have successfully activated 3D Printer (Figure 4).

3D Printer activated

Figure 4 - 3D Debrecen Printer software activated

If you have any problem during the activation, please contact us:

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