What is an Ozeki message

A message in Ozeki 10 is a text that is routed from one connection to another. A message has five key attributes: from connection, from address, to connect, to address and the message text. This message is taken by the Ozeki 10 engine from the sender connection and is delivered to the recipient connection.

Ozeki message attributes

Every Ozeki message has 5 basic attributes:
From address: The address of an outside world sender.
From connection: The inbox of this connection has received the message from the outside world.
To connection: The outbox of this connection will send the message to a recipient.
To address: The address of the recipient in the outside world. If it is not provided, the message will be forwarded to a default address,but only if the default address of the connection can be set.
Message text: The content of the message.

Ozeki message routing

When a message is taken from the sender connection, it is passed through the message routing table. The routing table can be used to change the destination, or to modify the message. You can read more about message routing on the ozeki routing table page.

Ozeki message size limitation

The size limit of a single message going through Ozeki 10 is 64Kb. This limit applies the size of the message text. If you wish to send a larger message you can use a special message type called file message. In this case the path of the file name is included in the message text, and if the message is destined to a remote computer it is uploaded to a message relay and downloaded by the destination.

Example 1 - Arduino button to e-mail

The first example is a simple message that is generate when a button attached to the computer is pressed, and is routed to an e-mail connection that delivers the message to an e-mail address (Figure 1). Such a solution can be easily created with the Ozeki Sensor Gateway app, that allows you to add physical buttons to your PC and that allows you to setup an e-mail connection. In this example the from connection is the button controller called "My_button_1", the from address is the "Yellow_Button" assuming we have multiple buttons controlled by the button controller. The to conneciton is the message to e-mail gateway, which is called "My_Email_1". This is an SMTP link. The to address is the recipient e-mail address. The messgae text will be "on" when the button is pressed, and "off" when the button is released.

ozeki message structure
Figure 1 - Ozeki message structure

When the message is sent through Ozeki, the addresses are used to route the message to the appropriate destination. For example, if you would like to send the message from the button to the e-mail connection, you would setup the toconnection and toaddress attributres of the message accordingly to route the message through the e-mail connection to the appropriate e-mail address (Figure 2). If you cannot setup the destination address fields at the source, you can set them in the message routing table, using routing rules.

the structure of a message generated by a button press
Figure 2 - The structure of a message generated by a button press

Example 2 - SMS to projector

The second example illustrates how you can address a message that cames from a mobile phone in order to forward it to a projector to be displayed on a projected screen. In this example when the SMS comes into the system, it arrives from a remote phone number through an SMS connnection. In this case the From address of the messgae is the remote phone number. The From connection of the message is the SMS link. In order to route this message to the projector you must configure it to have a to connection that points to the SMS Wall application and you don't need a to address (Figure 3). You can learn more about the Ozeki SMS Wall application on the Ozeki SMS Wall page.

the structure of a message projected on your sms wall
Figure 3 - The structure of a message projected on your SMS Wall

Figure 4 illustrates how the message is coming from a mobile phone and is routed through the Ozeki 10 system to a projector that displayes it on a projected screen. The message routing is done by the message delivery engine. This engine is responsible for forwarding the message from a source connection to a destintation connection.

the structure of a message projected on your sms wall
Figure 4 - The structure of a message projected on your SMS Wall

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