Database - ozekismsout table does not get updated

Update ozekismsout set status='deleted' where id='$id' - this sql statement is not working

For some database servers such as Oracle, MS Access, etc... the update and delete sql statements issued by the database plugin are not executed. An SQL error message comes up.

The primary reason for this error is that, these database servers do not expect quotation marks around integer values. The id column in the ozekismsot table is an integer column.

To resolve the problem:

Step 1

Open the sql template editor in Ozeki SMS and remove the quotation marks from around the $id value.

remove quotation marks from the database settings
Figure 1 - Remove quotation marks from the database settings

Step 2

This is what you will have after the quotes are removed.

sql template without quotation marks
Figure 2 - SQL template without quotation marks

Step 3

If you have made the above modifications, you have to do one more thing before starting the SMS Server again. You need to delete all the unprocessed queries (see the image below). After deleting the Uprocessed SQL Queries window section will be blank.

delete unprocessed sql queries
Figure 3 - Delete unprocessed SQL queries from the template

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